Travel Phrase Book: Indonesian - English

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How to say it in Indonesian
I Saya (Formal) - Aku (Informal)
You Anda (Formal) - Kamu (Informal)
He Dia
She Dia
We Kami - Kita
You Kalian
They Mereka
My ... Saya - ...Aku
Your ... Kamu - ...Kamu
His Her ... Dia
Our ... Kita - ...Kami
Your ...Kalian
Their ...Mereka

   Conjunctions & Prepositions:

How to say it in Indonesian
And Dan
Or Atau
That (Conjunction) Yang
But Tapi - Tetapi
By the way Ngomong-ngomong
Also Juga
Even if Bahkan jika
In addition Selain itu
If Kalau - Jika
As Seperti
Nor Juga tidak
Until Sampai
As long as Selama
So that Sehingga - Agar
So - Therefore Jadi
While Ketika
Still Masih
At the contrary Sebaliknya
Because Karena
Of Dari
To Ke
From Dari
In Di
With Dengan
Without Tanpa
On Atas
For Untuk
Between - Among Antara

   Common Words:

How to say it in Indonesian
Yes Ya
No Tidak
Don't Jangan
Maybe Mungkin
Thank you Terima Kasih
Thanks a lot Terima Kasih banyak
You are welcome Sama sama - Tidak apa apa
Hello Hallo
Nice to meet you Senang bertemu kamu
My name is... Nama saya...
Good morning Selamat pagi
Good afternoon Selamat siang
Good evening Selamat sore
Good night Selamat Malam - Selamat Tidur
Bye bye Bye bye - Dadaaa
See you Sampai jumpa
I'm sorry Saya minta maaf
Sorry? - What? - Pardon? Maaf apa?
Excuse me Permisi
Can I? Bisakah saya ? - Bolehkah saya ?
I undertand Saya mengerti
I don't understand Saya tidak mengerti
I understand a little bit saya mengerti sebagian kecil
There is a problem Ada masalah
No problem Tidak ada masalah
Don't worry Tidak apa-apa - Jangan khawatir
Solution Solusi - Jalan keluar
Sure - Surely Pasti - Tentu
Just - Only Hanya - Saja
I like... Saya suka ...
I don't like... Saya tidak suka ...
Word Kata
Life Hidup - Kehidupan
Death Mati - Kematian
Peace Damai

   Verbs - Fundamentals:

How to say it in Indonesian
To be Adalah
There is - There are Ada
To have Punya - Mempunyai - Memiliki
To need Membutuhkan - Perlu - Memerlukan
To choose Pilih - Memilih
To become Jadi - Menjadi
To stay - To remain Tinggal - Menetap
Must - Have to Harus - Mesti
To can Bisa - Dapat - Boleh
To want Mau - Ingin
To believe Percaya
To understand Mengerti
To know Tahu - Mengetahui

   Verbs - Action:

How to say it in Indonesian
To do Lakukan - Melakukan
To make Buat - Membuat
To build Bangun - Membangun
To fix Perbaiki - Tambal ban
To break Rusak - Merusak
To take Ambil - Mengambil
To bring Bawa - Membawa
To search - To look for Cari - Mencari
To find - To get Temukan - Mememukan - Dapat - Mendapat
To achieve Dapat - Mendapat
To lose - To miss Hilang - Kehilangan
To hide Sembunyi - Menyembunyikan
To sit Duduk
To stand up - to rise Berdiri - Bangkit
To lift Angkat - Mengangkat
To low Taruh - Menaruh
To light - To turn on Nyala - Menyalakan
To turn off Mati - Mematikan
To open Buka - Membuka
To close Tutup - Menutup
To move Pindah - Memindahkan - Bergerak
To go Pergi - Meninggalkan
To rest - To relax Istirahat - Beristirahat - Bersantai
To sell Jual - Menjual
To count Hitung - Menghitung - Berhitung
To check Periksa - Memeriksa
To push Dorong - Mendorong
To pull Tarik - Menarik
To throw Buang - Membuang

   Verbs - Socializing:

How to say it in Indonesian
To say Berkata- Mengatakan
To talk Bicara - Berbicara - Ngomong
To love Cinta - Mencintai
To cry Nangis - Menangis
To smile Senyum - Tersenyum
To laugh Tawa - Tertawa
To make wrong - To go wrong Salah - Bersalah
To suggest - To advise - To recommed Saran - Menyarankan
To joke Canda - Bercanda
To read Baca - Membaca
To write Tulis - Menulis
To translate Terjemah - Menterjemah
To work Kerja - Bekerja
To learn Belajar
To study Mempelajari
To teach Mengajar
To show Tunjuk- Menunjukan
To dance Menari - Joget
To sing Nyanyi - Menyanyi
To play (a musical instrument) Bermain ( Gitar, Drum..)
To play (a game - or playstation) Bermain ( Game )
To grow up Tumbuh - Bertumbuh
To live Hidup - Kehidupan
To die Meninggal dunia - Mati
To get sick Sakit
To heal Sembuh
To get old Menua
To swear Janji - Berjanji
To cheat Khianat - Mengkhianati
To pretend - To fake Pura pura
To run away Menjahu - Lari
To bother - To disturb Ganggu - Mengganggu
To save Lindungi - Melindungi
To get angry Marah
To defend - To protect Jaga - Menjaga - Bertahan - Proteksi
To fight Kelahi - Berekelahi - Berantem
To hug Peluk - Memeluk

   Verbs - Travel:

How to say it in Indonesian
To go Pergi
To pick up Jemput - Menjemput
To come Datang - Kemari
To arrive Sampai - Tiba
To leave Berangkat - Pergi
To ask Tanya - Bertanya - Meminta
To meet Temui - Bertemu
To book Pemesanan - Booking
To agree - To accept Setuju - Sependapat
To disagree Tidak setuju
To drive Menyetir - Kendarai - Mengendarai
To go back Kembali - Pulang - Mundur
To turn Belok - Berbelok (kiri dan kanan)
To go down Ke bawah
To go up Ke atas
To wait Tunggu - Menunggu
To stop Berhenti - Stop
To enter Masuk
To exit Keluar
To rent Sewa - Menyewa
To buy Beli - Membeli
To pay Bayar - Membayar
To change Ganti - Mengganti
To trust - To believe in someone Percaya - Mempercayai
To call Panggil - Memanggil
To send Kirim - Mengirim
To receive Terima - Menerima
To wear Pakai - Memakai
To sew Jahit - Menjahit
To make a photo Ambil Gambar - Fotoin
To record Merekam
To save (a file) Simpan - Menyimpan (file)
To click Pencet
To scroll Gesek
To recharge - To charge Mengisi

   Verbs - Sensorial:

How to say it in Indonesian
To like Suka - Menyukai
To try Coba - Mencobai
To think Pikir - Berpikir
To remember Ingat - Mengingat
To forget Lupa
To see - To look Lihat - Melihat
To watch (a movie) Nonton - Menonton (movie)
To touch Sentuh - Menyentuh
To feel Rasa - Merasa
To listen Dengar - Mendengar
To breathe Napas - Bernapas

   Verbs - House & Kitchen:

How to say it in Indonesian
To eat Makan
To drink Minum
To taste - To try a food Cicip - Mencicip
To bite Gigit - Mengigit
To chew Kunyah - Mengunyah
To cook Masak - Memasak
To mix Campur - Mencampur
To stir Aduk - Mengaduk
To cut Potong - Memotong
To break in two parts Patah - Mematahkan
To slice Mengiris
To pour - To Spill Isi - Mengisi
To weight Berantakan - Memberatkan
To measure Ukur - Mengukur
To serve the dish Menyajikan
To wash - To clean Cuci - Mencuci
To laundry Cuci Baju
To hang clothes - To dry clothes Jemuran baju
To sweep Sapu - Menyapu
To dry Kering - Mengeringi
To tidy up the house Beres-beres rumah
To sleep Tidur
To dream Mimpi - Bermimpi
To relax Santai - Bersantai - Istirahat
To wake up Bangun
To open (the door or window) Buka - Membuka(Pintu atau Jendela)
To close (the door or window) Tutup - Menutup (Pintu atau Jendela)
To lock the door Kunci pintu - Mengunci pintu

   Verbs - Sport & Movement:

How to say it in Indonesian
To workout Olahraga - Berolahraga
To sweat Keringat - Berkeringat
To struggle Berjuang - Berusaha
To walk Jalan - Berjalan
To run Lari - Berlari
To fall down Jatuh - Terjatuh
To slip Peleset - Terpeleset - Tersandung
To kick Tendang - Menendang
To hit - To strike Pukul - Memukul
To swim Renang - Berenang
To surf Surfing
To dive Diving
To climb Panjat tebing
To bike Bersepda
To fly Terbang
To win Menang - Memenangkan
To lose (the game) Kala - Mengalakan

   Common Adjectives:

How to say it in Indonesian
Really - Very - (Addendum) Sangat - Banget - Sungguh
Good Bagus - Baik
Bad - Evil Buruk - Jahat
Handsome Ganteng - Tampan
Beautiful Cantik
Ugly Jelek
Great Mantap
Splendid Keren
Breathtaking - Outstanding Luar Biasa
Terrible Mengerikat
Big Besar
Small Kecil
Long Panjang
Short Pendek
Large Lebar
Tight Ketat
High Tinggi
Low Rendah
Fat Gendut - Gemuk
Slim Kurus - Langsing
Normal Biasa
Fast Cepat - Laju
Slow Pelan - Lambat - Lemot
Tired Lelah - Capek
Relaxed Santai - Tenang
Comfortable Nyaman
Uncomfortable Risi - Tidak Nyaman
Full - Complete Penuh - Kenyang
Empty Kosong
Crowded - Busy Ramai
Uncrowded - Not crowded - Empty Sepi
Expensive Mahal - Harga Tinggi
Cheap Murah - Harga Rendah
Poor Orang miskin
Rich Orang kaya
Light - Not heavy Ringan
Heavy Berat
New Baru
Old Tua
Young Muda
Alone Sendiri
Healthy Sehat
Sick Sakit
Strong Kuat
Weak Lemah
Funny Lucu
Boring Bosan
Arrogant Arogan
Shy Malu
Smart - Intelligent - Clever Pintar
Stupid - Fool - Dumb - Idiot Bodoh
Incompetent Tidak Berkompoten
Naughty Nakal
Easy Mudah - Gambang
Difficult - Hard - Complex Sulit - Susah
Useful Berguna
Useless Tidak berguna - Tidak usah
Wet Basah
Dry Kering
Clean Bersih
Dirty Kotor
Smelly Bau - Berbau
Perfumed Parfum
Solid Padat
Liquid Cair
Bright - Light - Clear Terang - Jernih
Dark Gelap

   Common Questions:

How to say it in Indonesian
Who? Siapa?
What? Apa?
What is this? Apa ini?
Which one? Yang mana?
Where? Di mana?
When? Kapan?
How much? Berapa?
Why? Kenapa?
How? Bagaimana?
Do you have ...? Apa kamu Punya..? -
Can I? Dapatkah saya ... - Boleh saya ...?
Where can I ...? Dimana saya dapat...
Should I? Apa saya harus ... ?
What does it mean? Ini artinya apa?
Can you repeat please? Bisa Tolong diulang?
Can you repeat slowly? Tolong diulang pelan-pelan?
How much is it? Berapa harganya?
Where is it? Di mana ini?
Do you like it? Kamu suka?
How are you? Apa kabar?
What is your name? Nama siapa?
How old are you? Umur berapa?
Where do you come from? Asal mana?
Where do you live? Tinggal di mana?
Where are you going? Mau ke mana?
Are you married? Sudah menikah?
Do you have kids? Sudah punya anak?
What is your job? Kerja apa?
Did you eat? Sudah makan?
Do you speak Indonesian? Bisa bicara Bahasa Indonesia?
Do you speak English? Bisa bicara Bahasa Inggris?
How can I say this in Indonesian? Bagaimana cara tinggal di Indonesia?
Do you understand? Kamu mengerti?
Can you write it? Bisa ditulis?


How to say it in Indonesian
One Satu
Two Dua
Three Tiga
Four Empat
Five Lima
Six Enam
Seven Tujuh
Eight Delapan
Nine Sembilan
Ten Sepuluh
Eleven Sebelas
Twelve Duabelas
Thirteen Tigabelas
Fourteen Empatbelas
Fifteen Limabelas
Sixteen Enambelas
Seventeen Tujuhbelas
Eighteen Delapanbelas
Nineteen Sembilanbelas
Twenty Dua puluh
Twenty-One Dua puluh satu
Thirty Tiga puluh
Thirty-One Tiga puluh satu
Forty Empat puluh
Fifthy Lima puluh
Sixty Enam puluh
Seventy Tujuh puluh
Eighty Delapan puluh
Ninety Sembilan puluh
One Hundred Seratus
One Hunderd One Seratus satu
One Hunderd Ten Seratus sepuluh
One Hunderd Eleven Seratus sebelas
One Hundred Twenty Seratus dua puluh
Two Hundred Dua ratus
Three Hunded Tiga ratus
One Thousand Seribu
Two Thousand Dua ribu
Two Thousand Five Hunded Dua ribu lima ratus
Two Thousand Seven Hunded Fifty Dua ribu tujuh ratus lima puluh
Ten Thousand Sepuluh ribu
Twenty Thousand Dua puluh ribu
One Hunded Thousand Seratus ribu
Two Hunded Thousand Dua ratus ribu
One Million Satu juta
One Billion Satu miliar
First Pertama
Second Kedua
Third Ketiga
Fourth Keempat
Fifth Kelima
Double Dobel
Triple Triple

   Compare & Quantify:

How to say it in Indonesian
With Dengan
Without Tanpa
All - Everything Semua
Nothing Nol - Tidak ada
A lot Banyak
A bit - A little Sedikit
Too much Terlalu banyak
Too little Terlalu sedikit
More Lebih - Tambah
Less Kurang
Enough Cukup
Like this Begitu
The most - The best Paling - Terbaik - Paling bagus
This is better than that Ini lebih bagus daripada itu
This is like that Ini sama seperti itu
This is worse than that Ini lebih buruk daripada itu


   Watch & Time:

How to say it in Indonesian
What time is it? Jam berapa?
Hour Jam
Minute Menit
Second Detik
One o'clock Jam satu
Two o'clock Jam dua
Three o'clock Jam tiga
Four o'clock Jam empat
Five o'clock Jam lima
Six o'clock Jam enam
Seven o'clock Jam tujuh
Eight o'clock Jam delapan
Nine o'clock Jam sembilan
Ten o'clock Jam sepuluh
Eleven o'clock Jam sebelas
Midday - Noon Tengah Hari - Siang
Midnight Tengah malam
Half past four Setengah lima
Quarter past four Empat lewat seperempat
Quarter to four Seperempant lagi jam empat


How to say it in Indonesian
What day is it? Hari apa ini? - Hari apa itu?
Day Hari
Week Minggu
Bulan Bulan
Year Tahun
Monday Senin
Tuesday Selasa
Wednesday Rabu
Thursday Kamis
Friday Jumat
Saturday Sabtu
Sunday Minggu
January Januari
February Februari
March Maret
April April
May Mei
June Juni
July Juli
August Augustus
September September
October Oktober
November November
December Desember

   When? Time References:

How to say it in Indonesian
Already Sudah
Always Selalu
Never Tidak pernah
Often Sering
Sometimes Kadang
Rarely Jarang
Usually Biasanya
Before Sebelum
After Nanti
Now Sekarang
Today Hari ini
Tonight Malam ini
This morning Pagi ini
Tomorrow Besok
After Tomorrow Lusa
Soon Segera
In three days Di tiga hari
Until ... Sampai
Yesterday Kemarin
The day before yesterday Kemarin lusa
Three days ago Tiga hari yang lalu
Last month Bulan lalu
Long time ago Dulu kala
Earlier Awal
Just - Freshly Baru
While Ketika
Sunset Mata hari terbenam
Sunrise Mata hari terbit
Morning Pagi
Afternoon Siang
Evening Sore
Night Malam


How to say it in Indonesian
Position Posisi
Where is it? Di mana itu?
I would like to go to... Saya ingin pergi..
How can I go to...? Kesana dengan apa?
How far is it? Berapa jauh
Can you show it on the map? Tolong tunjukan di map
This Ini
That Itu
Here Di sini
There Di sana
Far Jauh
Near - Close Dekat
Short Pendek
Long Panjang
Above Di atas
Below - Under Di bawah
Right Kiri
Left Kanan
Straight Lurus
Beside - Next to Di samping - Di sebelah
Behind Di belakang
In front of Di depan
Around Sekitar
Inside Di dalam
Outside Di luar
Entrance Masuk
Exit Keluar
Climb - Ascent Tanjakan
Slope - Descent Turunan
Plain - Flat - Lowland Jalan rata
No Entry Dilarang masuk
Continue Lanjut
Turn left Belok kiri
Turn right Belok kanan
Turn back Putar balik
Start Awal
End Akhir
Kilometer Kilometer
Meters Meter
Nord Utara
South Selatan
West Barat
East Timur


How to say it in Indonesian
Language Bahasa
Hi Hallo
Welcome Selamat datang
Good morning Selamat Pagi..
Good afternoon Selamat Siang..
Good evening Selamat Sore...
Good night Selamat Malam..
Bye bye Dah dah
Have a nice travel Hati hati di jalan
See you Sampai Jumpa
Sorry Maaf
Thank you Terimaksih - Makasih
No thank you Tidak terimaksih
Yes thank you Ia terimaksih
How are you? Apa Kabar?
Good Baik - Sehat
Bad Sakit - Tidak enak badan
What is your name? Nama siapa?
My name is... Nama saya..
How old are you? Umur berapa?
I am ... years old Umur saya...
Where do you come from? Asal dari mana?
I come from... Asal saya ...
Where do you live? Tinggal di mana?
Do you live here? Kamu tinggal di sini?
I live in ... Saya tinggal di ...
Where are you going? Mau ke mana?
Are you married? Sudah menikah?
Do you have kids? Sudah punya anak?
What is your job? Kerja apa? - Apa kerjaan kamu?
What do you study? Kamu sekolah apa?
What a nice day! Hari bahagia
Today it's hot! Hari ini panas
Today it's cold! Hari ini Dingin
Do you like this place? Kamu suka tempat ini?
I am kidding Saya Bercanda
Keep in touch! Berkabar - Kasih kabar
Congratulations! Selamat
Opinion Pendapat
Idea Ide
Voice Suara

   People & Family:

How to say it in Indonesian
People Orang - Masyarakat
Man Pria - Laki-Laki
Woman Wanita - Perempuan
Kid Anak Kecil
Old Orang tua
Mister (Father) Bapak
Miss (Mother) Ibu
Mrs Nona
Grandfather Kakek
Grandmother Nenek
Son Putra
Daughter Putri
Brother or Sister (Older) kakak
Brother or Sister (Younger) Adik
Uncle Om - Paman
Aunt Tante - Bibi
Friend Teman - Kawan
Partner - Couple Pacar - Kekasih
Husband Suami
Wife Istri
Family Keluarga
Married Berkeluarga
Single Lajang
Divorced Cerai
Widowed Janda

   Means of Transport:

How to say it in Indonesian
Bus Bis
Taxi Angkot - Taksi
Ship Kapal
Boat Speed boat
Train Kereta api
Subway Kereta bawah tanah
Airplane Pesawat
Truck Trak
Car Mobil
Scooter Sepeda motor
Motorbike Sepeda motor
By feet - By walking Jalan kaki
Bicycle Sepeda
Electric vehicle Kendaraan listrik

   Travel & Transport:

How to say it in Indonesian
Transport Transport
Travel -Trip Perjalanan
Passport Pasport - Kartu identitas
Visa Visa
Document Berkas - Dokumen
Station stop Pos Berhenti
Station Stasion
Harbor - Harbour - Port Pelabuhan
Airport Bandara
Suitcase - Luggage - Baggage Koper - Bagasi - Bawaan
Lost luggage Koper hilang
Ticket Tiket - Karcis
Ticket office Tempat jual karcis - Tiket
Air condition AC
Travel agency Agen Travel
Time Waktu
What time does it leave? Jam berapa berangkat?
What time does it arrive? Jam berapa tiba?
What time does it get here? Jam berapa sampai di sini?
How long is the travel? Berapa lama perjalanan?
How much is it? Berapa banyak itu?
Confirmed Konfirmasi
Full Penuh
Deleted Hapus
Changed Tukar
Delayed Tunda
Smoking class Ruang Merokok
Non-smoking class Ruang bebas Rokok
Can I seat here? Boleh saya duduk di sini?
Where? Dimana?
This is my seat Ini kursi saya
Can you stop here please? Tolong berhenti disini..
Let me down please - Get me down please Tolong turunkan saya
Aisle seat Kursi lorong
Window seat Kursi di samping jendela
Life Jacket Jaket pelindung
Seasick - Seasickness Mabuk laut
Taximeter Taksimeter
Can you please turn on the taxameter? Tolong nyalakan taximeternya
Can you bring me to this address? Tolong ke alamat ini...
Address Alamat tujuan
Can you wait for me here please? Tolong tunggu disini sebentar
Can you drive slower? Bisa tolong lebih pelan
Can you drive faster? Bisa tolong lebih cepat
Can you drive responsibly? Tolong Menyetir dengan hati-hati
Driver Menyetir
Insurance Asuransi
Plate of the vehicle Plat
Vehicle documentation Surat kendaraan
Transfer of ownership Balik nama pemilik
Map Peta
Speed limit Batsan kecepatan
Parking Parkir
Mechanical Bengkel
Can you check this? Tolong dicek
No entry Dilarang masuk
Give priority Beri prioritas
Helmet Helm
Accident - Crash Kecelakaan
It won't start Ini tidak bisa nyala
Blown tire - Perforated tire - Punctured tire Ban pecah
To fix the tire Tambal ban - Press ban
Gas - Gasoline - Petrol Petrol - Bensin
Gas station Pertamina
Charger Cas - Isi batray
Fill my fuel tank Isi penuh
Out of gas - Without gasoline Kehabisan bensin
Kilometer kilometer

   Places of the House:

How to say it in Indonesian
Home - House Rumah - Tempat tinggal
Kitchen Dapur
Living room Ruang tamu
Bedroom Kamar tidur
Bed Tempat tidur
Dining room Ruang makan
Toilet - Bathroom Toilet - Kamar kecil
Garden Taman - Kebun
Terrace Teras
Balcony Balkon
Roof Atap
Wall Dinding
Paint Cat
Ceiling Langit-langit
Floor Lantai
Electrical system Listrik
Plumbing - Hydraulic system Pipa air
Switch Saklar lampu
Power outlet - Socket Stopkontak
Power strip Strip listrik - Celokan listrik
Window Jendela
Door Pintu
Elevator - Lift Lift

   Furniture & Tools:

How to say it in Indonesian
Lamp Lampu
Bulb Bola lampu - Bhalom
Light Cahaya - Lampu
Chair - Seat Kursi
Table Meja
Bedside table Meja sudut - Meja samping
Couch - Sofa Sofa
Bed Kasur - Temapt tidur
Blanket Selimut
Bed sheets - Bed linen Sprei
Pillow - Cushion Bantal
Pillow cover - Cushion cover Sarung bantal
Mat - Rug Keset
Carpet Karpet
Curtain Gorden - Tirai
Door handle Penahan pintu
Lock - Keyhole Kunci - Lubang kunci
Mirror Cermin
Closet - Wardrobe - Cabinet Lemari - Lemari pakaian - Kabinet
Shelf Rak
Book Buku
Hanger - Clothes hanging Gantungan - Gantungan pakaian - Hanger
WC Toilet - WC
Water spray Semprotan air cebok
Tap - Faucet Keran air
Shower Alat Shower
Bathtub Bak mandi - Bak rendam
Sink - Washbasin Wastafel
Air condition AC - Pendingin ruangan
Remote control of air condition Remot kontrol AC
Fan Kipas angin
Toaster Pemanggang roti- Toaster
Dishwasher Mesin Cuci Piring
Washing machine Mesin Cuci
Laundry Laundry - Cucian
Phone Telepon - Hape
Vault - Safe box Kotak Brankas
Keys Kunci
Toothpaste Pasta gigi
Toothbrush Sikat gigi
Hairbrush Sikat rambut - Sisir
Comb Sisir
Razor - Shaver Cukuran - Alat cukur
Shaving foam - Shaving cream Krim cukur - Busa cukur
Soap Sabun mandi
Shampoo Sampoh
Conditioner Kondisioner
Toilet paper Tisu toilet
Towel Handuk
Hair dryer Hair dryer - Pengering rambut
Ironing board - Iron Papan setrika - Setrika
Mosquito net Kelambu nyamuk
Mosquito repellent spray Obat nyamuk - Krim untuk nyamuk - Semprotan nyamuk
Cigarettes Rokok
Ashtray Asbak
Remote control Remot
Television TV
Dish soap Sabun cuci
Floor soap Sabun lantai
Broom - Broomstick Sapu
Mop Pel - Mengepel
Cloth Pakaian
Sponge spons
Bucket Keranjang
Rubbish bin - Trash bin Tempat sampah
Dustbin Tempat sampah

   Hotel - Common Words:

How to say it in Indonesian
Room Kamar
Hotel Hotel
Camping Berkemah
Camping tend Tenda kemah
Beach bangalow Bungalow di pantai
Guesthouse Rumah tamu - Wisma - Guesthouse
Hostel Asrama - Hostel
Swimming pool Kolam renang
Reservation Pesanan
Days stay - Days of accommodation Hari menginap - Hari akomodasi
Family Keluarga
Business Bisnis
We are in (number) Kita ada (nomor) orang
Group Kelompok - Grup
Names Nama
My name is... Nama saya ...
Address Alamat
Passport Paspor
Document Dokumen - Berkas
Available room Kamar yang tersedia
Quiet room - Silent room Ruang sunyi
Bright room - Light room Ruang terang - Ruang Tenang
Room with a view Ruang dengan pemandangan
The best room Kamar terbaik
Room with a kitchen Kamar dengan dapur
Luxury Mewah - Kemewahan
Cheap Murah
I like it a lot Saya sangat menyukainya
I don't like it Saya tidak menyukainya
Can I see another room? Bisakah saya melihat ruangan lain?
How much is it? Berapa harganya?
I take it saya mengambilnya
It doesn't work Ini tidak bekerja
Massage Pijat
What time is it the breakfast? Jam berapa sarapannya?
Half board Paket setengah
Full board Paket lengkap
Can you wake me up? Bisakah kamu membangunkanku?
Private bathroom Kamar mandi pribadi
Shared bathroom Kamar mandi bersama
Hot water Air panas
Cold water Air dingin
Single bed Tempat tidur tunggal
Double bed Ranjang ganda
Extra bed Kasur tambahan
Internet Internet
WiFi Wifi
Password Kata sandi
Cleaning service Petugas kebersihan
Room service Servis kamar - Pelayanan kamar
Who's there? Siapa disana?
A moment! Tunggu sebentar!
Can you back later? Bisakah Anda kembali nanti?
Check in Mendaftar - Chek in
Checkout Chek out
Bill - Check Tagihan - Bill
I had a great time Saya puas dan senang
I will recommend it to everyone! Saya akan merekomendasikannya kepada semua orang!
Thank you Terima kasih

   Places & Nature:

How to say it in Indonesian
Place Tempat
Beach Pantai
Lake Danau
River Sungai
Waterfall Ait terjun
Plain - Lowland Dataran rendah
Hill Bukit
Mountain Gunung
Forest Hutan
Jungle Hutan rimba
Archipelago Kepuluan
Island Pulau
Cliff Tebing
Ravine Jurang
Abyss Dasar laut
World Dunia
Nature Alam
Air Udara
Water Air
Fire Api
Land - Ground Tanah
Sun Matahari
Moon Bulan
Cloud Dingin
Sky Langit
Earth Bumi
Rock - Stone Batu
Wood Kayu
Mud Lumpur
Puddle Genangan air
Sea - Ocean Laut - Samudra
Waves Ombak
Path - Trail - Footpath Jalur jalan - Jalan setapak
Paddy - Rice field Sawah - Ladang
Park Taman
Iron Besi

   Places & City:

How to say it in Indonesian
Country - Nation Negara
Abroad Luar negeri
Border - Frontier Batas - Perbatasan
Capital Ibu kota
City Kota
Village Desa - Kampung
Bridge Jembantan
Traffic light Lampu lalu lintas
Intersection - Crossroad Perempatan - Pertigaan
Road Jalan
Main road Jalan utama
Highway Jalur cepat
Sidewalk Trotoar
Underpass Jalan bawah tanah
Poth hole - Bump road Jalan bergelombang - Jalan berlubang
Dumpster Tempat Sampah
Pollution Polusi
Office Kantor
School Sekolah
Shop Toko - Warung
Supermarket - Grocery store Toko sualayan
Traditional market Pasar lokal
Mall Mol
Bar Bar
Restaurant Restoran
Disco Diskotik
House - Home Rumah
Building Bangunan
Private Pribadi
Public Umum


How to say it in Indonesian
Weather Cuaca
Season Musim
Hot Panas
Cold Dingin
Summer Musim Panas
Winter Musim Salju
Sun Matahari
Rain Hujan
Storm Badai
Wind Angin
Heat Cuaca panas tinggi
Lightning Petir
Thunder Guntur
Cloudy Berawan
Flood - Flooding Banjir
Raincoat Jas Hujan
Umbrella Payung
Sun cream - Sunblock Sun blok
Shadow Bayangan


How to say it in Indonesian
I would like to see... Saya mau melihat
What is this? Apa ini?
Where are we? Dimana kita?
Who is the author? Siapa yang membuat?
Can I make photos? Boleh saya foto?
Can I make videos? Boleh saya vidioin?
Can I go there? Boleh saya kesana?
Tourist guide Pemandu turis - Guide
Driver Sopir
Hike - Tour Perjalanan
Map Peta - Map
Catalogue Katalog
Tourist visits Kunjungan Wisata
City Kota
Museum Museum
Monumento Monumen
Have I to follow some rule? Apa ada aturan khusus?
Visit to historical places Kunjungi tempat tempat bersejarah
Visit to religious places Kunjungi tempat tempat keagamaan
Visit to cultural places Kunjungi tempat budaya
Visit to natural places Kunjungi tempat alam
Park Taman
Amusement park Taman Hiburan
Ruins Reruntuhan
Wreck Kecelakaan
Entrance Pintu masuk - Jalan masuk
Exit Pintu keluar
Time schedule Agenda - Jadwal
Ticket price Harga tiket


How to say it in Indonesian
White Putih
Black Hitam
Gray - Gray Abu abu
Blue Biru
Yellow Kuning
Red Muerah
Green HIjau
Brown Coklat
Orange Orange
Purple Ungu
Lilac Ungu mudah
Pink Merah mudah
Light blue - Azure Biru mudah
Gold Emas
Silver Perak

   Animals & Plants:

How to say it in Indonesian
Animal Hewan - Binatang
Wild Buas - Liar
Dog Anjing
Cat Kucing
Monkey Monyet
Tiger Harimau
Lion Singa
Wolf Serigala
Buffalo Kerbau
Bull Banteng
Cow Sapi
Horse Kuda
Rabbit Kelinci
Chicken Ayam
Duck Bebek
Pig Babi
Boar Babi hutan
Elephant Gajah
Snake Ular
Crocodile Buaya
Turtle Kura kura
Mouse Tikus
Rat Tikus
Frog Kodok
Spider Laba laba
Scorpion Kalajengking
Fly lalat
Mosquito Nyamuk
Snail Siput
Moth Ngengat
Caterpillar Ulat
Butterfly Kupu kupu
Ant Semut
Gecko Toke
Lizard Biawak
Fish Ikan
Jellyfish Ubur ubur
Shrimp Udang
Shark Hiu
Dolphin Luma lumba
Tuna Tuna
Whale Paus
Shell Kerang
Bird Burung
Eagle Elang
Raven - Crow Burung gagak
Seagull Camar
Pigeon - Dove Merpati
Plant Tumbuhan - Tanaman
Tree Pohon
Flower Bunga
Fruit Buah


   Kitchen Tools:

How to say it in Indonesian
Kitchen Dapur
Table Meja
Counter Konter
Tablecloth Taplak meja
Towel Handuk
Tissue Tisu
Plate Piring
Bowl Mangkuk
Fork Garpu
Spoon Sendok
Tea spoon Sendok teh
Knife Pisau
Ladle Sutil - Sendok besar
Glass Gelas
Mug - Cup Mug - Beker
Bottle Botol
Bottle opener Pembuka botol
Pan Panci
Pot holders - Pot clips Pemegang Panci
Serving tongs Penjepit
Grill Panggang
Oven Oven
Stove Kompor
Fire Api
Gas bottle Botol gas
Lighter - Cigarette lighter Korek
Fridge - Refrigerator Kulkas
Tray Baki
Cutting board - Chopping board Talenan
Pack Paket
Jar Stoples
Box Box
Can opener Pembuka kaleng
Can Kaleng
Colander Saringan

   Menù & General:

How to say it in Indonesian
Menu Menu - Daftar makanan
Ingredients Bahan
Grocery shopping Belanja bulanan
Flour Tepung
Row rice Beras
Cooked rice Nasi
Noodles Mie
Bread Roti
Pizza Pizza
Soup Sup
Fries - Fried Kentang goreng - Goreng


How to say it in Indonesian
Vegetables Sayur
Salad Salad
Zucchini Zucchini
Cabbage Col
Tomato Tomat
Carrot Wortel
Cucumber Timun
Potato Kentang
Spinach Bayam
Bell pepper Paprika
Nuts Kacang


How to say it in Indonesian
Fruit Buah
Coconut Kelapa
Papaya Pepaya
Orange Jeruk
Lemon Lemon
Lime Jeruk nipis
Apple Apel
Banana Pisang
Watermelon Semangka
Melon Melon
Pineapple Nanas
Strawberry Stroberi
Grape Anggur
Mango Mangga
Dragon Fruit Bunah naga
Durian Durian

   Fish & Meat:

How to say it in Indonesian
Fish Ikan
Tuna Tuna
Salmon Salmon
Seafood Makanan laut
Squid Cumi cumi
Shrimp Udang
Clam Kerang
Crab Kepiting
Oyster Tiram
Lobster Lobster
Meat Daging
Chicken Ayam
Pork Babi
Goat Kambing
Beef Daging sapi
Rabbit Kelinci
Meatball Bakso
Egg Telur

   Seasonings & Sauces:

How to say it in Indonesian
Chili Cabai
Onion Bawang merah
Garlic Bawang putih
Oil Minyak
Butter Bater
Milk Susu
Cheese Keju
Salt Garam
Pepper Lada
Mini lime Jeruk lemo
Ginger Jahe
Turmeric Kunyit
Nutmeg Pala
Spicy sauce Sambal
Ketchup Saos tomat
Soy sauce Ketchup


How to say it in Indonesian
Dessert - Sweets Manisan
Ice Cream Es krim
Chocolate Coklat
Fruit salad Salat buah
Biscuit - Cookie Biskuit - Kue
Cake Kue basah - Kue
Pancake Pancake
Sugar Gula
Honey Madu


How to say it in Indonesian
Ice Es
Water Air
Non Alcoholic drink Tanpa Alkohol
Alcoholic drink Minuman Alkohol
Juice Jus
Lemonade Lemon
Hot coffee Kopi panas
Cold coffee Kopi dingin
Hot tea Teh panas
Cold tea Teh dingin
Beer Bir
Wine Anggur - Wine
Traditional spirit - Liqueur Arak

   Ways of Cooking & Flavors:

How to say it in Indonesian
Grams Gram
Kilos Kilo
A pinch of Sejemput...
Well cooked Masak dengan sempurna - Mateng
Row - Uncooked Mentah - Belum Mateng
Fried Goreng
Stir fried Tumis
Grilled Bakar
Boiled Rebus
Steamed Kukus
Smoked Asap
Dried Kering
Frozen Beku
Fresh Segar
Hot Panas
Cold Dingin
Sweet Manis
Salty Asin
Bitter Pahit
Sour Asam
Seasoned Dengan bumbu
Spicy Pedas
Unsalted Tanpa garam

   At the Restaurant:

How to say it in Indonesian
Restaurant Warung - Resto
Bar Bar
Food Makanan
Drinks Minuman
Hungry - Starving Lapar
Thirsty Haus
Breakfast Sarapan
Lunch Makan siang
Dinner Makan malam
Snack Camilan - Snack
Without chili Tidak pedas - Tanpa cabai
Without sugar Tanpa Gula - No Gula
Without ice Tanpa Es - No Es
I am vegetarian Saya vegetarian
I am vegan Saya vegan
I am celiac Saya seliak
I cannot eat gluten Saya tidak bisa makan gluten
I do not eat... Saya tidak makan...
I am allergic to... Saya alergi dengan...
How do you call this? Ini namanya apa
Can I try it? - Can I taste it? Bisa saya coba ? - Boleh saya rasa?
Close Buka
Open Tutup
Is there an empty table? - Is there a vacant place? Masih ada tempat duduk?
I would like to order Saya mau order
What do you recommend? Apa saran kamu
The local speciality Lokal yang spesial
I take this Saya ambil ini
Thank you Tereimaksih
Sorry? - Pardon? Maaf
Waiter! Pelayan
One more Satu lagi - Tambah satu
Smoking Merokok
Non smoking Bebas rokok
Ashtray Asbak
Do you like it? Kamu suka ?
I like it a lot Saya sangat suka
I don't like it Saya tidak suka
Too salty Terlalu garam
Too sweet Teralalu Manis
Too spicy Terlalau pedes
I am full - I feel full Saya kenyang
I am still starved - I am still hungry Saya masih lapar
Cheers! Bersulang
I am drunk! Saya mabuk
Where is the toilet? Di mana toilet ?
Bill - Check Tagihan - Bill


   Doctors & Specialists:

How to say it in Indonesian
Doctor Dokter
General pratictioner Dokter umum
Surgeon Dokter ahli beda
Cardiologist Dokter ahli jantung
Internist Internis
Dermatologist Dermatolog
Gynecologist Ginekolog
Optician Optik - Ahli Kaca mata
Pediatrician Dokter Anak
Orthopedic Ortopedi
Dentist Dokter gigi
Psychiatrist Psikiater
Dietician Ahli diet - Ahli gizi
Urologist Ahli Urologi
Ophthalmic Ahli Mata - Dokter Mata
Otolaryngology Otolaringologi
Anesthetist Ahli anastesi

   Parts of the Body:

How to say it in Indonesian
Body parts Bagian tubuh
Body Tubuh
Hair Rambut
Skin Kulit
Face Wajah
Head Kepala
Eye Mata
Pupil Biji mata - Pupil
Nose Hidung
Mouth Mulut
Lips Bibir
Teeth Gigi
Ear Telinga
Tongue Lidah
Neck Leher
Throat Tenggotokan
Shoulders Bahu - pundak
Back Punggung
Chest Dada
Breast Payudara
Nipple Puting
Tummy - Belly Perut
Bottom - Gluteus Pantat
Arm Lengan
Hand Tangan
Finger Jari
Leg Kaki
Knee Lutut
Foot Kaki
Nail Kuku
Brain Otak
Heart Jantung
Lung Paru paru
Stomach Perut
Liver Hati
Kidney Ginjal
Bowel - Gut - Intestine Usus
Blood Darah
Hairs Rambut


How to say it in Indonesian
Over the counter drugs Obat bebas
Drugstore - Pharmacy Apotek
Hydrogen peroxide Hidrogen peroksida
Anti septic - Disinfectant Anti septik
Mosquito repellent Obat nyamuk
Antihistaminic - Anti allergic Anti Alergi - Anti histamin
Antibiotic Antibiotik
Antipyretic Antipiretik
Acetaminophen - Paracetamol Asetaminifen - Parasetamol
Anti inflammatory Anti inflamsi
Painkiller - Analgesic Penghilang rasa sakit - Analgesik
Sleeping pill Obat tidur
Rectal suppository Supositoria rektal
Contraceptive Kontrasepsi
Anti fungal Anti jamur
Anti diarrheal Anti Diare
Anti malarial Obat Anti Malaria
Thermometer Termometer
I usually take this medicine: Saya cocok dengan obat
For high blood pressure Tekanan darah
For cholesterol Kolesterol
For the heart Jantung
For the kidneys Ginjal
For the liver Hati
For the bowel Usus
For the blood circulation Sirkulasi darah


How to say it in Indonesian
Symptoms Gejala - Simptom
Medical conditions Kondisi Medis
Wave of heat - Heat flash Gelombang panas - Heat flash
Fever Demam
Shivers Demam mengigil
Cough Batuk
Sneeze Brsin bersin
Sore throat Sakit tenggorokan
I feel weak Merasa lemas
Vomit Muntah
Diarrhea Diare
Constipation Konstipasi
Vertigo - Dizziness Fertigo
Hemorrhage Pendarahan
Itch Gatal-gatal
Lump Benjolan
Swolleng glands Kelenjar bengkak
Wound - Injury Luka - Cedera
Broken bone Patah tulang
Intestinal pain - Gut pain Sakit usus
Stomach pain - Stomachache Sakit perut
Ulcer Maag
High Blood pressure Tekanan darah tinggi
Asthma Asma
Operation Operasi
Epilepsy Epilepsi
Bradycardia Bradikardia
Tachycardia Takikardia
Heart condition - Heart problem Kondisi jantung - Masalah jantung
Stroke - Heart attack Stroke - Serangan jantung
I had a stroke Saya terkena stroke
I've been operated Saya sudah dioperasi
Depression Depresi
Insomnia - Sleepless Insomnia - Kurang tidur
Dehydrated Kering sekali
Anxiety Cemas - Kecemasan
Malaria Malaria
Dengue Demam berdarah
Diabetes Diabetes
Coeliac disease Penyakit seliaka
Tooth decay - Caries Kerusakan gigi - Karies
Toothache Sakit gigi
Pimple - Acne Jerawat - Jerawat

   Health & Emergencies:

How to say it in Indonesian
I am sick - I feel bad - I feel sick Tidak enak badan - Saya merasa tidak sehat
He / she feels sick! Dia tidak sehat - Dia tidak enak badan
Are you ok? Kamu sehat?
Help. Tolong.
Do you need help? Butuh bantu?
Vax - Vaccine Vaksin
Hospital Rumah Sakit
Call a doctor! Hubungi Dokter - Telepon Dokter
Bring me to the hospital! Antarkan saya ke Rumah Sakit
Bring him / her to the hospital! Antarkan dia ke Rumah Sakit
I have a medical insurance - I have a health insurance Saya punya Asuransi Kesehatan
I don't have a medical insurance Saya tidak punya Asuransi Kesehatan
This medicine is for personal use Obat ini hanya untuk satu pasien
Prescription - Medical recipe Resep Dokter
I have a sore right here - I feel pain here - It hurts here Sakitnya itu disini
Allergy: Alergi :
I am allergic to nuts Saya alergi kacang
I am allergic to seafood Saya alergi Seafood
I am allergic to gluten Saya alergi gluten
I am allergic to dairy products Saya alergi susu
I am allergic to bee stings Saya alergi sengatan Lebah
I am allergic to stings Saya alergi sengatan
I am allergic to cats Saya alergi kucing
I am allergic to dogs Saya alergi Anjing
I am allergic to dust Saya alergi debu
I feel weird Saya merasa aneh
I feel worse Saya Kahwatir
I feel better Saya merasa lebih baik

   Safety & Emergencies:

How to say it in Indonesian
Don't ... ! Jangan ... !
Be careful - Pay attention Hati hati
Help. Tolong.
This is an emergency! Ini kondisi darurat
Call the police! Hubungi polisi !
Call the firemen! - Firefighters Hubungi Pemadam Kebakaran!
Call a doctor! Hubungi Dokter !
Bring me to the hospital! Bawa saya ke Rumah Sakit - Antarkan saya ke Rumah Sakit
Bring him / her to the hospital! Antarkan dia ke Rumah Sakit - Bawa dia ke Rumah Sakit
Call an ambulance! Hubungi Ambulans
I feel bad! Saya merasa tidak sehat - Saya merasa buruk
He / She feels bad! Dia merasa tidak enak - Dia merasa buruk
Attention! Perhatian !
It's dangerous! Itu berbahaya
Fire! Kebakaran - Ada Api !
I'm drowning! Saya tenggelam
Thief! Pencuri - Maling
Stop! Berhenti - Stop
Go away! Pergi dari sini !
I am lost. Saya tersesat
I have lost my passport Saya kehilangan pasport
I have lost my document Saya kehilangan berkas - Saya kehilangan dokumen
My visa is expired Visa saya kadalwarsa - Visa saya Expired
Can I use your phone? Bisakah saya menggunakan telepon kamu?
Where is the police headquarter? Di mana markas polisi?
Where is the embassy? Dimana embassy
Where is the immigration? Dimana imigrasi
I want to file a complaint Saya ingin mengajukan keluhan
Aggression - Attack - Assault Agresi - Serangan - Serangan
I was attacked Saya diserang
Rape - Rapist Pemerkosaan - Pemerkosa
Weapon Senjata
Gun Senjata
Knife Pisau
Stick Tongkat
Theft - Robbery - Stealing Pencurian - Perampokan - Pencurian
I was robbed Aku telah dirampok
Wallet Dompet
Jewelry Perhiasan
Bag Tas
Luggage - Suitcase Bagasi - Koper
Phone Telepon
Money Uang
Credit card Kartu kredit
Computer Komputer
Document Dokumen
It was him! - It was her! Itu adalah dia! - Itu dia!
I am sorry Saya menyesal
I don't understand Saya tidak paham
It wasn't me! - I didn't do it! Itu bukan aku! - Aku tidak melakukannya!
I want a lawyer Saya ingin pengacara
It's not mine! Itu bukan milikku!
I don't know what's inside! Saya tidak tahu apa yang ada di dalamnya!
This medicine is for personal use Obat ini untuk penggunaan pribadi
This is the prescription Ini resepnya
I am innocent Saya tidak bersalah

   Money & Payment:

How to say it in Indonesian
Money Uang - Duit
Cash Uang tunai
Credi card Kartu kredit
How much is it? Berapa harganya?
Price Harga
Can you write the price? Bisa tulis harganya?
Do you accept credit card? Apakah Kamu menerima kartu kredit?
I have a problem with my credit card Saya memiliki masalah dengan kartu kredit saya
I would like to have Saya ingin memiliki
Change the money - Money changer Tukar uang - Penukaran uang
What is the currency exchange? Apa itu pertukaran mata uang?
Can I check it again? Bisakah saya memeriksanya lagi?
Withdraw my money Tarik uang saya
Where can I find a ATM machine? Di mana saya dapat menemukan mesin ATM?
Gratis Gratis
Bank Bank
Open a bank account Buka rekening bank
Make a bank transfer Lakukan transfer bank

   Special for Kids:

How to say it in Indonesian
Is it a suitable place for kids? Apakah tempat ini khusus untuk anak-anak?
Is it safe for kid? Apakah aman untuk anak?
Where can I change the diaper? Di mana saya bisa mengganti popok?
Do you know a doctor for kids? Apakah Kamu tahu dokter untuk anak-anak?
Baby Bayi
Changing table - Changing mat Meja ganti - Tempat ganti
Diaper Popok
Products for kids Produk untuk anak-anak
Moisturizing - Cream for irritated skin Pelembab - Krim untuk kulit yang teriritasi
Milk for baby Susu untuk bayi
Baby bottle Botol bayi
Pacifier Dot
Cot Tempat tidur bayi
Kindergarten TK - Taman Kanak kanak
Baby portion Porsi bayi
Discount for children Diskon untuk anak-anak
Babysitter Pengasuh anak
Booster seat Kursi pelontar
Stroller Kereta bayi
Potties Pispot
Toy Mainan
Toy store - Toy shop Toko mainan - Toko mainan
Playground Tempat bermain - Taman bermain
Paper and pencil Kertas dan pensil
Markers Penanda
School Sekolah
Cry Menangis
Laugh Tertawa

   Special for Women:

How to say it in Indonesian
Make up Dandan
Lipstick Lipstik
Foundation cream Krim alas bedak - Fondation
Eyebrown pencil Pensil alis
Perfume Parfum
Beautician Ahli kecantikan - Beutician
Salon - Hairdresser Salon - Penata rambut
Hair colouring Pewarnaan rambut
Styling - Blow out Penataan - di buat blow
Haircut Potong rambut
Nail Kuku
Polish Cat kuku
Heels Sepatu hak tinggi - Heels
Bra - Brassiere Bra - Beha
Should I wear a veil? - Should I wear a hijab? Haruskah saya memakai kerudung? - Haruskah saya memakai jilbab?
Is that advisable? - Is that a good idea? Apakah itu dianjurkan? - Apakah itu ide yang bagus?
I am alone Saya sendiri
Is it dangerous? Apa ini berbahaya?
Can you call a taxi? Bisakah Kamu memanggil taksi?
Can you drive me home? - Can you take me home? Bisakah kamu mengantarku pulang? - Dapatkah Kamu membawa saya pulang?
Can you help me? Bisakah kamu membantuku?
I don't feel safe - I don't feel confident Saya merasa tidak aman - saya merasa tidak percaya diri
I am scared Saya takut
I am not afraid Saya tidak takut
Can you walk away please? Bisakah kamu pergi?
Stay away from me! Tinggal jauh dari saya!
I am engaged Saya sudah bertunangan
I am married Saya sudah menikah
I have my period - I have got menstruation Saya mendapat menstruasi - saya datang bulan
Pad - Tampon Pad - Tampon - Pembalut
Where can I find a pad? Di mana saya dapat menemukan pembalut?
I use the contraceptive pill Saya menggunakan pil kontrasepsi
My period is (x) weeks late Haid saya telat (x) minggu
I am pregnant Saya hamil
I have to breastfeed Saya harus menyusui

   Special for Disabled People:

How to say it in Indonesian
I am disabled Saya cacat - Saya disabled
I need assistance Saya butuh asisten
Can you help me? Bisakah kamu membantuku?
Thank you Terima kasih
Are there disabled facilities? Apakah ada fasilitas penyandang disabilitas?
Wheelchair Kursi roda
Is there a wheelchair access? Apakah ada akses kursi roda?
Where can I go? Kemana aku bisa pergi?
Is this road safe for me? Apakah jalan ini aman untuk saya?
Lift - Elevator Eskalator - Lift
I am deaf Saya tuli - Saya tunarungu
Hearing device Alat bantu dengar
I am mute Sata bisu - Saya tunawicara
Sign language Bahasa isyarat



How to say it in Indonesian
I agree Saya setuju
I disagree Saya tidak setuju
Hungry - Starved Lapar - Lapar
Thirsty Haus
Feeling hot Merasa panas
Feeling cold Merasa kedinginan
Tired Lelah
Happy Senang
Joyful Menyenangkan
Enjoyed Menikmati
Sad Sedih
Friendly - Kind Ramah - Baik hati
Unfriendly - Rude Tidak ramah - Kasar
Angry Marah
Crazy Gila
Crying Menangis
Laughing Tertawa
Disappointed Kecewa
Ashamed - Embarassed Malu - Malu - Memalukan
Worried Khawatir
Offended - Hurt Tersinggung - Terluka
Surprised Terkejut
In love Sedang jatuh cinta
Cheated - Betrayed Dikhianat
Excited Bergairah
Hurried - Rushed Terburu-buru - Tergesa-gesa
Relaxed Santai
Bored Bosan
Sleepy Ngantuk
Awake Bangun
Weird Aneh
Lucky Beruntung
Unlucky Sial
Curious Penasaran
Lost Hilang
Brave - Corageous Berani
Scared Takut
Tear Air mata
Liar Pembohong
Sincere Jujur

   Communication & Technology:

How to say it in Indonesian
Technology Teknologi
Computer Komputer
Laptop Laptop
Phone Telepon
Tablet Tablet
Device Perangkat
Screen Layar
Mouse Mouse
Keyboard Papan ketik - Keyboard
Esternal memory Memori eksternal
USB pen Pena USB
Charger Pengisi daya - Carger
SIM card kartu SIM
Scanner Scan
Printer Pencetak - Printer
Paper Kertas
Ink Tinta
Antenna Antena
Television Televisi
Radio Radio
Satellite Satelit
Modem Modem
Internet Internet
Data Paket pata
Cable Kabel
Access Mengakses
Setting Pengaturan
Login Gabung - Login
Logout Keluar - Logout
Website Situs web
Social Media Media sosial
Backup Cadangan - Backup
Communication Komunikasi
Postal office Kantor Pos
Email Email - Surel
Phone number Nomor telepon
What is your phone number? Berapa nomor telepon kamu?
My number is... Nomorku adalah...
What is the password? Apa passwordnya?
How much is it? Berapa harganya?
To call Memanggil
Postcard Kartu pos
Letter Surat
Postal code Kode Pos
Notebook Buku catatan
Pen Pena
Pencil Pensil
Eraser Penghapus
Shissors Gunting
Cutter Pemotong
Glue Lem
Agenda Jadwal acara
Calendar Kalender

   Job Professions:

How to say it in Indonesian
Job profession Profesi pekerjaan
Farmer Petani
Fisherman Nelayan
Breeder Peternak
Driver Pengemudi
Architect Arsitek
Lawyer Pengacara
Notary Notaris
Judge Hakim
Engineer Insinyur
Policeman Polisi
Fireman - Firefighter Pemadam Kebakaran
Nurse Perawat
Doctor Dokter
Accountant Akuntan
Reporter - Journalist Reporter - Jurnalis
Musician Pemusik - Musisi
Programmer - Developer Pemrogram - Pengembang
Graphic designer Desain grafis - Perancang grafis
Illustrator Ilustrator
Artist Artis - Selebritis
Goldsmith - Jeweler Tukang emas
Painter Pelukis
House painter Tukang cat
Bricklayer Tukang batu
Blacksmith - Locksmith Tukang besi
Carpenter Tukang kayu
Gardener Tukang kebun
Electrician Tukang listrik
Plumber Tukang ledeng
Researcher Peneliti
Teacher Guru
Student Murid
Businessman Pengusaha
Assistant Asisten - Pembantu
Government employee Pegawai pemerintah- PNS
Unemployed - Jobless Pengangguran


How to say it in Indonesian
Business Bisnis
Conference Konferensi
Course - Class Kursus - Kelas
Trade show - Trade fair - Trade exhibition Pameran Dagang - Bazar
Meeting Pertemuan - Rapat
Company Perusahaan
Boss - Chief Boss - Pimpinan
Tax Pajak
Bureaucracy Birokrasi
Counter Loket
Stamp - Postage stamp Materai
Where are the document? Di mana dokumennya?
Can I read the contract? Bisakah saya membaca kontraknya?
Can you translate it please? Bisakah kamu terjemakan?
Call me when it's done Hubungi saya jika sudah selesai
Call me when you can Hubungi saya ketika kamu bisa
See you tomorrow Sampai jumpa besok
Hotel Hotel
Appointment Janji ketemu
My room is the number... Nomor kamarku ...
This is my business card Ini kartu nama saya
This is my address Ini alamatku
This is my phone number Ini nomor telepon saya
This ie my email Ini email saya
I like this idea Saya suka ide ini
Deal! Sepakat!
I must think about it Saya harus memikirkannya
I do not agree Saya tidak setuju
We should change something Kita harus mengubah sesuatu
Thank you for your time Terima kasih atas waktunya
Do you want to drink something? Apakah Kamu ingin minum sesuatu?
Do you want to eat something? Apakah Kamu ingin makan sesuatu?
It's on me - My treat Saya yang bayar - Saya yang traktir
Bank Bank
Bank account Akun bank
What time does the bank open? Jam berapa bank buka?
Money Uang
Problem Masalah
PIN Code Kode PIN
Withdraw Menarik uang
Transfer Transfer
Credit card Kartu kredit
Bank check Cek Bank
Identity card Kartu identitas
Signature Tanda tangan

   Dating & Love:

How to say it in Indonesian
What is your name? Siapa namamu?
I am... Saya...
How old are you? Berapa usiamu?
You are kind Kamu baik
You make me feel good Kamu membuat saya merasa baik
You make me laugh Kamu membuat saya tertawa
Handsome Tampan - Ganteng
Beautiful Cantik
You are perfect Kamu sempurna
Kiss Cium - Ciuman
I like you Saya menyukaimu
I am falling in love with you Saya jatuh cinta padamu
I love you Saya mencintaimu
Honey Sayang
My love Cintaku
Do you want to hang out with me? Apakah kamu mau jalan dengan saya?
What do you do tonight? Apa yang kamu lakukan malam ini?
What are you doing now? Apa yang kamu lakukan sekarang?
What will you do this weekend? Apa yang akan kamu lakukan akhir pekan ini?
Do we meet tomorrow? Apakah kita bertemu besok?
What time do we meet? Jam berapa kita bertemu?
Where do we meet? Dimana kita bertemu?
Do you want to go to...? Apakah kamu ingin pergi ke...?
Do you want to dance? Apakah kamu ingin menari?
Do you want to drink something? Apakah kamu ingin minum sesuatu?
Do you want to eat something? Apakah kamu ingin makan sesuatu?
Do you want to have a walk? Apakah kau ingin berjalan-jalan?
Do you want to come to my place? Apakah kamu ingin datang ke tempat saya?
Can I call you? Bolehkan saya menelpon kamu?
Can I kiss you? Bolehkah aku mencium kamu?
Do you want to marry me? Apakah kamu ingin menikahiku?
Yes Ya - Ia
I would be happy Saya akan senang
No Tidak
I can't Saya tidak bisa
Sorry Maaf
Thank you Terima kasih
See you later Sampai ketemu lagi
See you tomorrow Sampai jumpa besok
See you soon Sampai berjumpa lagi
I can't wait for! Saya tidak sabar menunggu!
I am in late Saya terlambat
I will pick you up Saya akan menjemput kamu
It's on me - My treat Saya bayar - Saya yang traktir
Where are you? Kamu ada di mana?
I miss you Saya merindukanmu
I wish you were here Saya berharap kamu ada di sini

   Shopping - Generic:

How to say it in Indonesian
Thing - Item - Stuff Benda - Barang
Shop - Store Toko
Commercial center - Mall Super Market - Mall
Market Pasar
I would like please... Saya minta tolong...
I am looking for... Saya mencari...
Warranty Jaminan
Color Warna
Size Ukuran
Can I try it? Bisakah saya mencobanya?
How it looks? - How does it look on me? Bagaimana tampilannya? - Bagaimana tampilannya pada saya?
Which one is the best? Yang mana yang terbaik?
What do you think about it? Bagaimana menurutmu ?
Large Besar
Tight Ketat
Short Pendek
Long Panjang
It is broken Ini rusak
Can I change it? Bisakah saya mengubahnya?
Can you wrap it? Bisakah kamu membungkusnya?
Price Harga
Real price - Local price Harga sebenarnya - Harga lokal
Cheap Murah
Too expensive Terlalu mahal
Can you make a discount? Bisa diskon?
I don't have money with me Saya tidak membawa uang
Good quality Kualitas baik
Best quality Kualitas terbaik
Choice Pilihan
Shipping Pengiriman
Barber Tukang cukur
Is it a new razor blade? Apakah itu pisau cukur baru?
Hairstylist Penata rambut
Hair Rambut
Haircut Potong rambut
Hair dye Pewarna rambut

   Shopping - Items List:

How to say it in Indonesian
Short sleeves Lengan pendek
Long sleeves Lengan panjang
Pants Celana
T-Shirt Kaos
Tank top Tanktop
Sweater Sweter
Skirt Rok
Dress Gaun - Drees
Robe Jubah - Tunik - Cardigan
Pajamas Piyama
Slipper Sandal
Shoes Sepatu
Socks Kaus kaki
Underwear Pakaian dalam
Hat Topi
Scarf Syal
Jacket Jaket
Swimwear Baju renang
Bikini Bikini
Flip flop Flip-flop
Pocket Kantong
Needle Jarum
Thread Benang
Sunglasses Kacamata hitam
Eyeglasses Kacamata
Contact lens Lensa kontak mata
Liquid for contact lens Cairan untuk lensa kontak
Bag Tas
Backpack Ransel
Silver Perak
Gold Emas
Jewelry Perhiasan
Ring Cincin
Necklace Kalung
Bracelet Gelang
Diamond Berlian
Gem stone Batu permata
Camera Kamera
Television Televisi
Computer Komputer
Laptop Laptop
Library Perpustakaan
Dictionary Kamus
Book Buku
Newspaper Koran
Magazine Majalah
Guide Petunjuk - Buku petunjuk

   Arts & Culture:

How to say it in Indonesian
Tradition Tradisi
Traditional Culture Budaya - Adat
Traditional Art Seni tradisional
Modern Art Seni modern
Cinema Bioskop
Theatre Teater
Museum Museum
Gallery Galeri
Monument Monumen
Art Seni
Dancing Tarian
Photograpy Fotografi
Painting Lukisan
Carving - Sculpture Ukiran - Patung
Music Musik
Travelling Bepergian - Jalan jalan
Massage Pijat
Cooking class Kelas memasak
Free time Waktu senggang - Waktu luang
Musical instrument Alat musik
Concert Konser
Singer Penyanyi
Musical band Band musik
Ticket Tiket


How to say it in Indonesian
What is your religion? Apa agamamu?
Religion Agama
Muslim Muslim
Christian Kristen
Catholic Katolik
Hindu Hindu
Buddhist Buddhis
Confucian Konghucu
Jew Yahudi
Mosque Masjid
Church Gereja
Synagogue Sinagoga
Temple Kuil
Ceremony Upacara
To pray Berdoa - Sembahyang
To hope - To wish Berharap
To respect Menghormati
To offer Menawarkan
Sharing - To share Berbagi
Meditation Meditasi
Yoga teacher Guru yoga
Spiritual Retreat Retret Rohani
Ramadan Ramadan
Eid al-Fitr (end of Ramadan) Idul Fitri (Akhir Ramadhan)
Spirituality Kerohanian
Soul Jiwa
I would like to join Saya ingin bergabung
I prefer to do not join Saya lebih baik tidak bergabung
I don't want to offend you Saya tidak ingin menyinggung kamu
I didn’t mean to do anything wrong - It was not my intention Saya tidak bermaksud melakukan kesalahan itu - Itu bukan niat saya
Paradise Surga
Hell Neraka
Funeral Upacara pemakaman
Tomb - Grave Kuburan - Makam


How to say it in Indonesian
Sport Olahraga
Stadium Stadion
Soccer - Footbal Sepak Bola - Bola kaki
Swimming Renang
Diving Menyelam
Surfing Berselancar
Snorkelling Snorkeling
Rafting Arung Jeram
Biking Bersepeda
Running Berlari
Trekking Trekking
Golf Golf
Athletics Atletik
Box Tinju
Martial arts Seni bela diri
Tennis Tenis
Volleyball Bola voli
Basket Bola Basket
Swimwear Baju renang
Mask Masker
Fins Fins
Snorkel Snorkel
Scuba tanks - Diving cylinders Tangki selam - Silinder selam - Tabung selam
Shoes Sepatu
Ball Bola
Net Net - Jaring bola
Pole Tinag gawang
Sweatpants Celana olahraga
Shorts - Trunks Celana pendek -
T-Shirt Kaos
Racket Raket
Golf club Klub Golf
Surfboard Papan luncur
Team Tim
Do you want to play? Apakah kamu ingin bermain?


   Tongue Twister:

Kuaci - kacang - kecoa - kuaci - kacang - kecoa.
Kakaktua kakak kakekku kenal kakaktua kakak kakekmu
Ular lari lurus.
Kepala - kelapa - kepala - kelapa - kepala - kelapa.
Boli bolak-balik beli bola bulat.
Engkau ulung guling ulang ulas suling.
Keledai makan kedelai di kedai.
Buaya - biawak - buaian
Kuku kaki kakak kakak ku kayak kuku kaki kakek kakek ku.
Satu sate tujuh tusuk - satu sate tujuh tusuk - satu sate tujuh tusuk.
Jangan coba-coba cium cucu-cucuku kalau cuma mau cium cucu-cucuku cuma-cuma.
Sempat-sempatnya semut-semut itu saling senyum-senyum dan salam-salaman sama semut-semut yang mau senyum-senyum dan salam-salaman sama semut-semut itu.
Tiba-tiba - Si Botak batuk-batuk di atas batu bata.
Kecoa kuaci cakueh - kecoa kuaci cakueh - kecoa kuaci cakueh.
Satu ribu - dua biru - tiga ribu - empat biru - lima ribu - enam biru - tujuh ribu - delapan biru - sembilan ribu - sepuluh biru ... (terus sebanyak-banyaknya)
Tongkat kontak tongkol - tongkat kontak tongkol.
Kelapa diparut - kepala digaruk - kelapa diparut - kepala digaruk - kelapa diparut - kepala digaruk.

   Common Sayings:

How to say it in Indonesian
Foreigner Bule - Orang Asing
Happy birthday Selamat ulang tahun
Sweet dreams Mimpi indah
Oh my God! Astaga
My goodness! Aduh!
Slowly but surely Pelan tapi pasti
Shortcut Jalan tikus
Light discomfort - Light flu Masuk angin
Kerok is a traditional treatment for cold symptoms by scratching the skin using oil and a coin, causing red streaks or blisters on the skin. Kerok - Kerokan
Pee Buang air kecil
Poop Buang air besar
Hard working Banting tulang - Peras keringat
Street vendor Pedagang kaki lima
Thief Panjang tangan
Famous - Viral Naik daun
Go bankrupt Gulung tikar
Don't judge the book by its cover Jangan menilai seseorang dari penampilannya
Another time Lain kali
Play with the fire Main api
Pregnant woman Badan dua
To find another solution Putar otak
Present - Gift Buah tangan
Different like a cat and dog Bagai air dengan minyak
The kid who is always picked out Anak bawang
The favourite child Anak emas
Lazy Badan berat
Stubborn Kepala batu - Kepala keras
Arrogant Tinggi hati
Something or someone that has been a topic of conversation or gossip Buah bibir
Modest - Humble Rendah hati
A feeling of remorse - To get disappointed by failing something Gigit jari
A wall-faced person that knows no shame Muka tembok
Use your heart - Be conscious Mata hati
A materialistic person Mata uang
Loosing control Gelap mata
To flirt Main mata
Hopping flea - A person who like to switch situations too fast, too soon Kutu loncat
Mole on the skin Tahi lalat
Someone, commonly a man, who likes to charm and seduce women Hidung belang
People who act like they are too shy to do or receive something, despite the fact they really want it. Malu-malu kucing
Fart Buang angin
Someone who eats a lot Perut karet


   Traditional Sauces & Seasonings:

Ingredients in Indonesian
Meat floss. Stewed finely cut meat (pork, chicken, or beef) in a sweetened mixture of soy sauce and various spices Abon
Stir fried chili mixed with garlic, shallot, tomato and lime (leaves, fruit, or both) in coconut oil. Balado
Crispy fried onions or shallots. Bawang Goreng
Fried bread. Very soft consistency Cakwe - Youtiao
Chilli, tomato pieces, shallots, and lime. Used for barbecue dishes, especially fish. Colo Colo
Black coloured shrimp paste (with a variant of fish paste). Commonly used in tofu dishes, rujak, laksa, or popiah. Petis
Ginger, chilli, lemon and other spices. Suitable for barbecue meats and chicken. Rica Rica
Green chilli, stir-fried with dried shrimp, red shallots, garlic, and spices. Sambal Hijau
Chopped shallots, chilli, lemongrass, oil, lime juice Sambal Matah
Peanuts, chilies, brown sugar, garlic, lime leaves (or their fruit), tamarind and salt. Sambal Pecel
Chilli, tomato, onion, garlic, salt, sugar, oil Sambal Tomat
Chili, tomato, shallot, spices, and mixed with salted ikan teri (anchovy) Sambal Teri
Red and green peppers, terasi (dried shrimp paste), sugar, salt, lemon or lime juice. Sambal Terasi
Chinese tauco (preserved fermented yellow soybeans), lime juice, chilli, brown sugar, and salt Tauco
Fresh chilis mixed together with dried anchovies and served with fermented durian Tempoyak (Mentah)
Chilli, shallots, and lemongrass are fried with anchovies, tempoyak (fermented durian) and turmeric leaf (for aroma). Tempoyak (Masak)
Chilli, spices and semangit (old and pungent tempeh) Tumpang

   Traditional Appetizers & Small Bites:

Ingredients in Indonesian
Compressed rice cake in the form of a cylinder, wrapped inside a banana leaf, filled with diced vegetables, tempeh, sometimes also filled with minced meat or abon (beef floss) Arem Arem
Fried fish dumplings, usually served with peanut sauce. Batagor
Boiled or fried ball-shaped dumpling made from aci (tapioca starch) usually served skewered, with peanut sauce, sweet soy sauce and sambal chili sauce Cilok - Cimol
Fried balls of tapioca flour, wheat flour, garlic, scallions, celery, and spices Cireng
Immature soybean pods boiled or steamed and served with salt or other condiments. Edamame
Fried crackers made of melinjo or belinjo nuts (Gnetum gnemon) Emping
Tipat, tahu goreng (tofu frit) et germes de soja servis dans une sauce aux arachides garnis de craquelins krupuk croustillants Kacang Goreng
Fried fish crackers, made from any type of mackerel, mixed with tapioca starch and other flavorings, sun-dried and fried. Kemplang - Amplang
Spicy omelette. Cooked adding a small amount of sticky rice on a small wok pan on the charcoal fire. Then adding an egg (or meat), and spices and mix it. Usually served with grated coconut, dried salted shrimp, and fried onions Kerak Telor
Fried crackers made from various dried fruits, tubers, vegetables, and fish. Keripik
Fried cracker made from starch or animal skin and other ingredients that serve as flavouring Kerupuk
Compressed rice cake in various forms and wrapped inside a banana leaf or woven palm leaf pouch Lontong - Ketupat - Tipat
Spring rolls, vegetarias or with meat Lumpia
It's a Balinese ready-to-eat street food, packaged in small portions of banana leaves. It's made from a handful of white rice with chili sauce and side dishes as sambal goreng tempeh (tempeh, anchovies, and peanuts fried with sambal) serundeng (sautéed grated coconut), and shredded chicken. Can be found with a piece of egg, or pork, of beef. Nasi Jinggo
Steamed dumpling usually made with ground pork or shrimp with a small amount of flour, seasoned with salt, spices, garlic or finely chopped green onion Pangsit
Deep fried mashed potatoes mixed with ground meat, chopped scallion and white pepper powder, shaped into flat round patties and dipped in egg yolk, then fried again. Perkedel Kentang
Deep fried mashed potatoes, chilli, spring onion, shrimp, peeled corn Perkedel Jagung
Fried crackers made from flour, spices, peanuts, bound or coated by crispy flour batter. Rempeyek
Fried thick rice crackers, made from cooked glutinous sticky rice and seasoned with spices. Rengginang
Deep fried pastry stuffed with mayonnaise, smoked beef, eggs and potatoes. Risoles
Fried slices of singkong (cassava) Singkong Goreng
Steamed fish dumpling with vegetables served in peanut sauce. Siomay
Fried slices of tempeh (compacted and fermented soybeans) Tempe Goreng
Fried cubes of tahu (tofu: coagulated soy milk) Tahu Goreng
Tipat, tahu goreng (fried tofu), and bean sprouts served in peanut sauce topped with crispy krupuk crackers Tahu Tipat - Kupat tahu

   Traditional Main Courses:

Ingredients in Indonesian
Fried chicken Ayam Goreng
Grilled chicken Ayam Bakar
Fried duck Bebek Goreng
Fried fish Ikan Goreng
Grilled fish Ikan Bakar
Fried catfish Ikan Lele Goreng
Pork ribs Iga Babi
Meat, most commonly beef, that has been slow cooked and braised in a coconut milk seasoned with a herb and spice mixture, ginger, galangal, turmeric leaves, lemongrass, garlic, shallots, chillis and other spices. Rendang
Nasi putih (white rice) accompanied by small portions of a number of other dishes, which includes: meats, vegetables, peanuts, eggs, and fried-shrimp krupuk. Nasi Campur
Rice cooked with coconut milk, pandan, lemongrass and turmeric, usually served with a variety of side dishes such as: shredded omelette, grated coconut, vegetable in shredded coconut dressing, fried anchovy and peanuts, fried tempeh and potato caramelised in spicy sauce, fried chicken, shrimp in chilli, potato fritters and spicy sauces Nasi Kuning
Fried rice dish, usually cooked with pieces of meat, egg, vegetables, spicy sauces and krupuk Nasi Goreng
Stir-fried noodle dish usually cooked with garlic, onion or shallots, fried prawn, chicken, beef, or sliced bakso (meatballs), chili, cabbages, tomatoes, egg, and other vegetables. Mie Goreng - Bakmi
Rice vermicelli usually cooked with garlic, onion or shallots, fried prawn, chicken, beef, chili, cabbages, tomatoes, egg, and other vegetables. Bihun Goreng
Skewered piece of meat, grilled and usually served with a peanut sauce and lonton (rice cake) Sate - Satay
Minced meat (pork, fish, chicken, or beef) mixed with grated coconut, thick coconut milk, lemon juice, shallots, and pepper. Then grilled. Sate Lilit
Raw or steamed vegetables with hard-boiled eggs, boiled potato, fried tofu and tempeh, and lontong (rice cake), served with a peanut sauce dressing. Gado Gado
Technically it is the name of the combination of raw vegetables served with sambal terasi (spicy dried shrimps sauce and tomato). It is usually served as vegetable side dish next to the main course, such as ayam goreng (fried chicken), ayam bakar (grilled chicken), pepes, pecel lele (fried catfish), fried gourami, and many other ikan goreng (fried fish) or ikan bakar (grilled fish). Lalapan
Crispy battered fried chicken crushed and mixed with hot and spicy sambal Ayam Geprek
Meat ball prepared with tapioca flour and salt, boiled in hot water. Usually served in a bowl of meat broth, with yellow noodles, bihun (rice vermicelli), salted vegetables, tofu, egg, broccoli, bean sprout, siomay or steamed meat dumpling, and crisp wonton, sprinkled with fried shallots and celery. Bakso
Soup mainly composed of broth, meat, and vegetables. Usually mixed with meat, garlic, scallops, vegetables, spices and krupuk Soto
Chicken foot soup, served in rather clear yellowish spicy broth soup, which uses spices including shallot, garlic, lemongrass, and turmeric, served with of cabbage, celery, rice noodles, and garnished to taste with sambal, lime and soy. Soto ceker
Stir-fried vegetable such as: cauliflower, cabbages, carrot, baby corn, mushrooms, and leeks are chopped and stir-fried in a wok with chopped garlic, onion, salt, sugar, soy sauce, cooking wine and oyster sauce. The liquid sauces are thickened using corn starch. Meat can be added on request. Cap Cay
Steamed rice served with various choices such as: beef rendang, curried fish, stewed greens, chili eggplant, curried beef liver, tripe, intestines or foot tendons, fried beef lung, fried chicken, and spicy sauces Nasi Padang
A spicy folded omelette pancake with bits of vegetables, usually cooked with: eggs, chopped leeks, chives, or green onion (scallions) and minced meat, which is then folded and cut to squares. Martabak
Rice porridge with shredded chicken meat served with some condiments, such as: chopped scallion, crispy fried shallot, celery, tongcay (preserved salted vegetables), fried soybean, crullers, and both salty and sweet soy sauce, and sometimes topped with yellow chicken broth and krupuk Bubur Ayam
Meat or eggs cooked and braised in coconut milk mixed with spices consisting of palm sugar, lemongrass, lemon leaf, ground garlic, shallot, candlenut, black pepper, galangal, and coriander Opor
A whole roasted pig cutted in pieces and served with rice, a small cup of soup, krupuk, a few vegetables, and spicy sauces. The pieces of meat often include also organs, sausages, foot and ears of the pig. Babi Guling
Braised pork with sweet soy, sauce lemongrass, ginger, tomato, shrimp paste, salam leaf, white pepper and red chilies. Babi Kecup
Steamed or roasted chicken, or duck, in betutu, a sauce made of: shallots, garlic, turmeric, ginger, galangal, nuts, chili peppers, shrimp paste, and peanuts all finely ground using mortar and pestle and sauteed with coconut oil. Common side dishes may include spinach, crispy-fried peanuts and dried shrimp paste sauce. Betutu
Various kinds of fried vegetables, lightly cooked for preserving the crunchiness. Oseng Oseng
Rice cooked in coconut milk, chicken broth and spices, topped with a slice of omelette, shredded chicken and a bit of thick aromatic coconut cream. Usually served with pieces of ayam, tempe, eggs, mie goreng, bihun goreng or dried fried small fishes Nasi Liwet
Starch of sago palm tree cooked with water until it coagulates. It has a glue-like consistency. It is usually served on the side of papaya flower bud vegetables, stir-fried spinach, coocked fish and fish broth or ikan kuah kuning Papeda - Bubur sagu
The gulai sauces commonly have a thick consistency with a yellowish colour because of the addition of turmeric. It's usually made with turmeric, coriander, black pepper, galangal, ginger, chilli pepper, shallot, garlic, fennel, lemongrass, cinnamon and caraway, ground into paste and cooked in coconut milk with the main ingredients and served with meat. Gulai
Unripe jackfruit (nangka muda) stewed for several hours with palm sugar, and coconut milk, garlic, shallot, nuts, coriander seed, galangal, bay leaves, and teak leaves. Commonly served with rice, egg, tofu, tempe or chicken and spicy sauces. Gudeg
Slow cooked meat in coconut milk, turmeric, garlic, onion, lemongrass, ginger and other spices. Commonly served with rice, tempe, tofu and some pieces of meat. Kare
Fish cooked with chilli, shallots, and lemongrass are fried with anchovies, tempoyak (fermented durian) and turmeric leaf (for aroma). Ikan patin tempoyak
Fish cooked with ginger, chilli, lemon and other spices.. Ikan Rica Rica
Pigs are slaughtered and used in their entirety. Bones are used for the soup, meat (including entrails) are grilled, and the blood is used for the sauce. All is served with plain rice and a spicy sauce Babi Panggang
Meat and pork skin mixed with garlic, shallots, ginger, turmeric, kencur, lemongrass, peppers, lemon leaf, salam leaf, then fried Be Genyol - Babi genyol
Rice porridge, pumpkin and sweet potato or cassava, mixed with corn kernels, kangkung (spinach), kemangi (lemon basil), and other vegetables. Usually served with: fried shallots, fried tofu, spring onions, leeks, coriander, chili, spicy sauces, smoked or salted fish, skipjack tuna, anchovies, or nike (a small species of fish from nearby Lake Tondano) Bubur Manado - Tinutuan
Smoked tuna skewered on a bamboo frame Cakalang Fufu
Vermicelli rice noodles with fresh cucumber, crispy tofu, peanut sauce, sweet soy sauce and crispy shallots Ketoprak
Fish (usually tuna) cooked in water and coconut milk, turmeric, tamarind, bay leaf, lime leaves, lemongrass, galangal, sugar, basil leave, onions, garlic, chilies, coriander, and pepper. Usually served with rice or papeda Ikan Kuah Kuning
Jengkols are big seed, typical of the south-east asia, part of the legumes family. So the jengkols are boiled and mixed with spices , ginger, lemon leaf, onion, garlic, chilli, sugar, tomato, nutmeg, nuts and cummin Semur Jengkol
Crab served in hot and spicy sauce, shallot, garlic, red chili pepper, ginger, turmeric and candlenut, crab broth, tomato ketchup, chili sauce, oyster sauce, salt and pepper. Then the sauce is thickened with beaten eggs. Kepiting Saus Padang
Crab served in savoury oyster sauce, garlic, ginger, onion and scallion, soy sauce, ang ciu and sugar. Then the sauce is thickened with a corn starch and water mixture. Kepiting Saus Tiram
A mixture of vegetables, minced meat, blood, herbs, spices, green beans, beaten eggs, lime leaves, coconut milk, palm sugar, fresh grated coconut, and fried shallots, all stir fried in coconut oil. Usually served with steamed rice and meat. Lawar
Catfish served with traditional sambal chili paste, often served with fried tempeh, tofu and steamed rice Pecel Lele
Fishcake made of fish and tapioca. Pempek are usually precooked, boiled or steamed, and then deep-fried. They are cut in bite-size, served with yellow noodles or rice vermicelli, and sprinkled with chopped cucumber and ebi powder. The additional fish krupuk crackers might be offered. Pempek
Pepes is a cooking method using banana leaves as food wrappings. Usually made with meat, or fish, or seafood with a mixture of spices including salt, chilli, shallots, garlic, turmeric, ginger, lemongrass, curry leaf, candlenut, tamarind, tomato, and lemon basil Pepes
Soft and buttered flatbread. Can be served with many other dishes, curries, or even plain. Roti Canai
Made of wet krupuk (traditional Indonesian crackers) cooked with egg, or chicken, or seafood, or beef in spicy sauce. Seblak
Hard boiled eggs cooked in water mixed with salt, soy sauce, shallot skins, teak leaf and other spices. Telur Asin - Telur pindang
Hot and spicy shrimp with shallot, garlic, candlenut, ginger, shrimp paste, turmeric, galangal, red chili pepper, all mixed and ground with salt and water Udang Balado
Steamed rice cooked in coconut milk usually served with vegetables mixed with grated coconut , spicy sauces, hard boiled egg, fried tempeh, or fried tofu. Nasi Uduk - Nasi Lemak
Traditional soup with beef (it can be mixed with innards such as intestine, liver, lungs, heart, tripe, or cow brain), and seasoned broth made from ground peanuts and spices Coto Makassar
Simple Stir-Fried Water Spinach with garlic, chillies, shrimp paste, and fermented yellow soybeans Cah Kangkung
Pounded cassava leaves with chilis, shallots, ginger, galangal, candlenut, garlic, lemongrass and other spices, along with coconut milk and ikan teri or anchovy. Daun Ubi Tumbuk
Stir-fried bean sprouts with tofu, (ketupat or lontong) rice cake and yellow noodles, served in a spicy sauce Toge Goreng - Tauge Goreng

   Traditional Desserts:

Ingredients in Indonesian
Pancake made from a mixture of flour, eggs, sugar, baking soda, margarine, coconut milk and water. Sweet fillings are also added. Terang Bulan - Martabak Manis
Fried Banana Pisang Goreng
Fried banana with pastry skin and chocolate topping Pisco - Pisang coklat
Spicy fruit salad with ground chilli, palm sugar and peanuts. Rujak
Soft and buttered flatbread with a choice many sweet toppings Roti Canai
Sandwich of grilled white bread with butter, sugar and many fillings at choice Roti Bakar
Fried bread with sugar and sesame seeds Roti Goreng
Palm sugar or coconut sugar, coconut milk, banana, and pandan leaf. Kolak
Sweet porridge made from mung beans, coconut milk, and palm sugar or cane sugar Kacang Ijo - Kacang Hijau
Iced fruit salad with liquid sugar or syrup. Es Buah
Iced and sweet fruit cocktail with coconut, tapioca pearls, grass jellies, syrup and condensed milk. Es Campur
Iced fruit cocktail with avocado, coconut meat, grass jelly, jackfruit, other fruits, coconut milk, condensed milk, pandan leaf, sugar, and a tiny amount of salt. Es Teler
Iced and sweet coconut milk in pink syrup, served with red tapioca pearls, avocado, cassava, black glutinous rice, jackfruit, diced bread and condensed milk Es Doger
Iced and sweet cocktail made from banana, flour, leaves, cheese, chocolate, syrups and condensed milk Es Pisang Ijo
Sweet and mildly-alcoholic fermented cassava Tapai - Tape singkong
Fried pastry made from glutinous rice flour, filled with sweet bean paste, and covered with sesame seeds Onde Onde
Sweet rice cake balls filled with molten palm sugar and coated in grated coconut Klepon
Small pancake made of rice flour, filled with grated coconut and palm sugar Dadar Gulung
Rice flour coloured green with pandan leaves, filled with palm sugar, steamed in bamboo tubes, and served with grated coconut Kue Putu
Custard tart pastry consisting of a shortcrust pastry filled with egg custard and condensed milk. Pie Susu
Small and tasty cakes made of pastry filled with various choices Bakpia - Pia Basah
Steamed and colourful layered rice flour pudding Kue Lapis
Wheat flour, water, yeast, eggs, sugar, thick coconut milk, and salt, vegetable oil, butter or margarine cooked in a special mold pan and topped with chocolate, bits of peanuts, grated cheddar cheese or fermented cassava tapai. Kue Pukis
Fried rice flour mixed with palm sugar Kue Cucur
Flour, cornstarch, butter or margarine and egg yolks which is baked in the oven, and then covered with powdered sugar Kue Putri Salju
Steamed cake, made of rice flour, coconut milk and sugar, filled with a slice of banana and wrapped in banana leaves Nagasari
Flour, sugar, milk, butter, and the flesh and juice of coconuts. Klapart - Klappertaart
Steamed sweet potato Ubi Madu
Normal donuts, but made with potatoes Donat Kentang
Tart filled or topped with pineapple jam Nastar
Rice flour with coconut milk and coconut sugar, cooked on charcoal fire. Topping at choice. Serabi
Wafer made by clasping egg batter using an iron mold which is heated up on a charcoal stove. Semprong
Pancake-like snack made from coconuts Wingko
Tapioca flour, eggs, sugar, yeast and coconut milk, with other flavors by request Bika Ambon

   Traditional Drinks:

Ingredients in Indonesian
- Without alcohol - Tanpa alkohol
Water Air putih
Coconut water Kelapa Mudah
Sugar cane juice Air tebu
Hot tea Teh panas
Cold tea Teh dingin
Traditional tea in bottle Teh Botol
Traditional tea with condensed milk Teh Tarik
Istant coffee Istan kopi
Black traditional coffee Kopi Hitam
Coffee make with digested beans eaten (and expelled) by a local civet Kopi Luwak
Juice Jus
Iced orange juice Es Jeruk
Hot orange juice Jeruk panas
Local brand of Cola Badak
Local brand of soda drink with turmeric flavor Temulawak
Local brand of sweet powdered drink Nutrisari
Local brand of cereal based drink Energen Sereal
Local brand of powdered milk with chocolate drink Susu Milo
A kind of liquid yogurt Yakult
Tea with egg yolk, sugar and calamondin. Teh Talua
Tea with ginger, palm sugar, frequently with the addition of fragrant pandan leaves, lemongrass, cloves, and cinnamon stick. Wedang Jahe
Ginger, water, lemongrass, pandan leaves, sugar, peanuts, rice balls Wedang Ronde
Ginger tea enriched with palm sugar and spices such as lemongrass, cloves, and cinnamon stick. Es Cendol
Melon, water, sugar, ice, basil seeds Es Blewah
Jelly grass, coconut sugar, water, salt, coconut milk, ice Es Cincau
Green rice flour jelly, coconut milk and palm sugar syrup. Es Dawet
Hot, sweet and spicy beverage made of a mixture of ginger water, palm sugar and cinnamon. Star anise, cloves, coriander seeds, cardamom pods, lemongrass, and a small amount of black pepper are sometimes added Bandrek
Ginger, brown sugar, lemongrass, cinnamon, pepper powder, coconut milk, water Sarabba
White ginger, palm sugar, lemongrass, peanuts and water Air Guraka
Non-alcoholic drink made from several spices, namely ginger, pandan leaves, boiled sappan wood, and lemongrass. Bir Pletok
Milk, sugar, honey, ginger, eggs STMJ Susu Telur Madu Jahe
Tofu, salt, vanilla powder, cornstarch, pandan leaves, soybeans, water, ginger, and brown sugar Kembang Tahu
Traditional fermented milk made by pouring fresh, raw, unheated, buffalo milk into a bamboo tube capped with a banana leaf and allowing it to ferment spontaneously at room temperature for two days. Dadiah
- With alcohol - Dengan Alkohol
Alcoholic drink from palm tree or coconut Arak
Alcoholic drink from palm tree Sopi
Alcoholic drink from palm tree Saguer
Alcoholic drink from fermented rice Tuak
Alcoholic drink from palm tree Moke
Alcoholic drink from fermented molasses Ciu
Wine Anggur merah
Beer Bir


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