Travel Phrase Book: Italian - English

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How to say it in Italian
I Io
You Tu
He Lui
She Lei
We Noi
You Voi
They Loro
My Mio
Your Tuo
His Her Suo
Our Nostro
Your Vostro
Their Loro

   Conjunctions & Prepositions:

How to say it in Italian
And E
Or O - Oppure
That (Conjunction) Che (Congiunzione)
But Ma - Pero
By the way Comunque
Also Anche
Even if Anche se
In addition Inoltre
If Se (Condizionale)
As Come (Comparativo)
Nor Né - Neanche
Until Finché
As long as Purché - Qualora - Sempre che
So that In modo da - Affinchè
So - Therefore Quindi - Insomma
While Mentre
Still Ancora (Continuazione)
At the contrary Al Contrario
Because Visto che
Of Di
To A
From Da
In In
With Con
Without Senza
On Su
For Per
Between - Among Tra

   Common Words:

How to say it in Italian
Yes Si
No No
Don't Non farlo
Maybe Forse
Thank you Grazie
Thanks a lot Molte grazie - Grazie mille
You are welcome Prego
Please Per favore
Hello Ciao
Nice to meet you Piacere di conoscerti
My name is... Mi chiamo...
Good morning Buongiorno
Good afternoon Buon Pomeriggio
Good evening Buonasera
Good night Buonanotte
Bye bye Arrivederci
See you Ci vediamo
I'm sorry Scusa - Mi dispiace
Sorry? - What? - Pardon? Scusi? - Come?
Excuse me Scusi - Permesso
Can I? Posso?
I undertand Capisco
I don't understand Non Capisco
I understand a little bit Capisco poco
There is a problem Questo é un problema
No problem Nessun problema
Don't worry Non ti preoccupare
Solution Soluzione
Sure - Surely Certo - Certamente - Sicuramente - Senza dubbio
Just - Only Solamente
I like... Mi piace
I don't like... Non mi piace
Word Parola
Life Vita
Death Morte
Peace Pace

   Verbs - Fundamentals:

How to say it in Italian
To be Essere
There is - There are C'è - Ci sta
To have Avere
To need Necessitare - Aver bisogno di...
To choose Scegliere
To become Diventare
To stay - To remain Stare - Rimanere
Must - Have to Dovere
To can Potere
To want Volere
To believe Credere
To understand Capire
To know Conoscere - Sapere

   Verbs - Action:

How to say it in Italian
To do Fare
To make Fare
To build Costruire
To fix Riparare - Aggiustare
To break Rompere
To take Prendere
To bring Portare
To search - To look for Cercare
To find - To get Trovare
To achieve Raggiungere (un obiettivo)
To lose - To miss Perdere
To hide Nascondere
To sit Sedere - Sedersi
To stand up - to rise Alzare - Alzarsi
To lift Sollevare
To low Abbassare
To light - To turn on Accendere
To turn off Spegnere
To open Aprire
To close Chiudere
To move Spostare
To go Andare
To rest - To relax Riposare
To sell Vendere
To count Contare
To check Controllare
To push Spingere
To pull Tirare
To throw Buttare

   Verbs - Socializing:

How to say it in Italian
To say Dire
To talk Conversare - Parlare
To love Amare
To cry Piangere
To smile Sorridere
To laugh Ridere
To make wrong - To go wrong Sbagliare
To suggest - To advise - To recommed Consigliare - Suggerire - Raccomandare
To joke Scherzare
To read Leggere
To write Scrivere
To translate Tradurre
To work Lavorare
To learn Imparare
To study Studiare
To teach Insegnare
To show Mostrare
To dance Ballare
To sing Cantare
To play (a musical instrument) Suonare
To play (a game - or playstation) Giocare
To grow up Crescere
To live Vivere
To die Morire
To get sick Ammalarsi
To heal Guarire
To get old Invecchiare
To swear Giurare
To cheat Tradire
To pretend - To fake Fingere
To run away Scappare
To bother - To disturb Disturbare
To save Salvare
To get angry Arrabbiarsi
To defend - To protect Difendersi
To fight Combattere - Litigare
To hug Abbracciare

   Verbs - Travel:

How to say it in Italian
To go Andare
To pick up Andare a prendere (qualcuno)
To come Arrivare
To arrive Venire
To leave Partire
To ask Chiedere
To meet Conoscere - Incontrare
To book Prenotare
To agree - To accept Accettare
To disagree Rifiutare
To drive Guidare
To go back Tornare
To turn Girare
To go down Scendere
To go up Salire
To wait Aspettare
To stop Fermare
To enter Entrare
To exit Uscire
To rent Affittare - Noleggiare
To buy Comprare
To pay Pagare
To change Cambiare
To trust - To believe in someone Fidarsi
To call Chiamare
To send Spedire - Mandare
To receive Ricevere
To wear Vestire - Indossare
To sew Cucire
To make a photo Fotografare
To record Registrare
To save (a file) Salvare (un file)
To click Cliccare
To scroll Scrollare
To recharge - To charge Caricare - Ricaricare

   Verbs - Sensorial:

How to say it in Italian
To like Piacere
To try Provare
To think Pensare
To remember Ricordare
To forget Dimenticare - Scordare
To see - To look Vedere
To watch (a movie) Guardare (un film)
To touch Toccare
To feel Sentire (Sensoriale)
To listen Ascoltare - Sentire
To breathe Respirare

   Verbs - House & Kitchen:

How to say it in Italian
To eat Mangiare
To drink Bere
To taste - To try a food Assaggiare
To bite Mordere
To chew Masticare
To cook Cucinare
To mix Mischiare
To stir Mescolare - Girare
To cut Tagliare
To break in two parts Spezzare
To slice Affettare
To pour - To Spill Versare
To weight Pesare
To measure Misurare
To serve the dish Servire il piatto
To wash - To clean Lavare - Pulire
To laundry Lavare i panni
To hang clothes - To dry clothes Stendere i panni
To sweep Spazzare (il pavimento) - Scopare
To dry Asciugare
To tidy up the house Mettere apposto casa
To sleep Dormire
To dream Sognare
To relax Rilassarsi
To wake up Svegliarsi
To open (the door or window) Aprire (la porta o le finestre)
To close (the door or window) Chiudere (la porta o le finestre)
To lock the door Chiudere a chiave

   Verbs - Sport & Movement:

How to say it in Italian
To workout Allenarsi
To sweat Sudare
To struggle Faticare
To walk Camminare
To run Correre
To fall down Cadere
To slip Scivolare
To kick Calciare
To hit - To strike Colpire
To swim Nuotare
To surf Surfare
To dive Fare immersioni
To climb Scalare - Arrampicarsi
To bike Pedalare
To fly Volare
To win Vincere
To lose (the game) Perdere (al gioco)

   Common Adjectives:

How to say it in Italian
Really - Very - (Addendum) Davvero - Veramente - (Rafforzativo)
Good Buono - Bravo
Bad - Evil Cattivo
Handsome Bello
Beautiful Bella
Ugly Brutto
Great Ottimo
Splendid Splendido
Breathtaking - Outstanding Mozzafiato
Terrible Pessimo - Terribile
Big Grande
Small Piccolo
Long Lungo
Short Corto
Large Largo
Tight Stretto
High Alto
Low Basso
Fat Grasso
Slim Magro
Normal Normale
Fast Veloce
Slow Lento - Piano
Tired Stanco
Relaxed Riposato
Comfortable Comodo - A proprio agio
Uncomfortable Scomodo - Non a proprio agio
Full - Complete Pieno - Completo
Empty Vuoto
Crowded - Busy Affollato
Uncrowded - Not crowded - Empty Senza persone - Spazio vuoto - Luogo tranquillo
Expensive Caro - Costoso
Cheap Economico
Poor Povero
Rich Ricco
Light - Not heavy Leggero
Heavy Pesante
New Nuovo
Old Vecchio
Young Giovane
Alone Solo
Healthy Sano
Sick Malato
Strong Forte
Weak Debole
Funny Divertente
Boring Noioso
Arrogant Arrogante
Shy Timido
Smart - Intelligent - Clever Intelligente - Sveglio
Stupid - Fool - Dumb - Idiot Scemo - Tonto - Cretino - Imbecille - Sciocco
Incompetent Incapace
Naughty Disobbediente - Dispettoso - Birichino
Easy Facile - Semplice
Difficult - Hard - Complex Difficile - Complicato - Duro
Useful Utile
Useless Inutile
Wet Bagnato
Dry Asciutto
Clean Pulito
Dirty Sporco
Smelly Puzzolente - Puzza
Perfumed Profumato
Solid Solido
Liquid Liquido
Bright - Light - Clear Chiaro
Dark Scuro

   Common Questions:

How to say it in Italian
Who? Chi?
What? Che cosa?
What is this? Che cosa é?
Which one? Quale?
Where? Dove?
When? Quando?
How much? Quanto?
Why? Perché?
How? Come?
Do you have ...? Avete ...?
Can I? Posso?
Where can I ...? Dove posso ...?
Should I? Devo?
What does it mean? Cosa significa? - Che vuol dire?
Can you repeat please? Può ripetere per favore?
Can you repeat slowly? Può ripetere più lentamente?
How much is it? Quanto costa?
Where is it? Dove sta?
Do you like it? Ti piace?
How are you? Come stai?
What is your name? Come ti chiami?
How old are you? Quanti anni hai?
Where do you come from? Da dove vieni?
Where do you live? Dove vivi?
Where are you going? Dove stai andando?
Are you married? Sei sposato?
Do you have kids? Hai figli?
What is your job? Che lavoro fai?
Did you eat? Hai mangiato?
Do you speak Italian? Parli Italiano?
Do you speak English? Parli Inglese?
How can I say this in Italian? Come si dice questo?
Do you understand? Capisci?
Can you write it? Puoi scriverlo?


How to say it in Italian
One Uno
Two Due
Three Tre
Four Quattro
Five Cinque
Six Sei
Seven Sette
Eight Otto
Nine Nove
Ten Dieci
Eleven Undici
Twelve Dodici
Thirteen Tredici
Fourteen Quattordici
Fifteen Quindici
Sixteen Sedici
Seventeen Diciassette
Eighteen Diciotto
Nineteen Diciannove
Twenty Venti
Twenty-One Ventuno
Thirty Trenta
Thirty-One Trentuno
Forty Quaranta
Fifthy Cinquanta
Sixty Sessanta
Seventy Settanta
Eighty Ottanta
Ninety Novanta
One Hundred Cento
One Hunderd One Centouno
One Hunderd Ten Centodieci
One Hunderd Eleven Centoundici
One Hundred Twenty Centoventi
Two Hundred Duecento
Three Hunded Trecento
One Thousand Mille
Two Thousand Duemila
Two Thousand Five Hunded Duemila e cinquecento
Two Thousand Seven Hunded Fifty Duemila settecento cinquanta
Ten Thousand Diecimila
Twenty Thousand Ventimila
One Hunded Thousand Centomila
Two Hunded Thousand Duecentomila
One Million Un milione
One Billion Un miliardo
First Primo
Second Secondo
Third Terzo
Fourth Quarto
Fifth Quinto
Double Doppio
Triple Triplo

   Compare & Quantify:

How to say it in Italian
With Con
Without Senza
All - Everything Tutto
Nothing Niente
A lot Tanto
A bit - A little Poco
Too much Troppo
Too little Troppo poco
More Più - Di più
Less Meno - Di meno
Enough Abbastanza
Like this Cosi
The most - The best Il Migliore
This is better than that Questo é meglio di Quello
This is like that Questo é come Quello
This is worse than that Questo é peggio di Quello


   Watch & Time:

How to say it in Italian
What time is it? Che ora è?
Hour Ora
Minute Minuto
Second Secondo
One o'clock L'una
Two o'clock Le due
Three o'clock Le tre
Four o'clock Le quattro
Five o'clock Le cinque
Six o'clock Le sei
Seven o'clock Le sette
Eight o'clock Le otto
Nine o'clock Le nove
Ten o'clock Le dieci
Eleven o'clock Le undici
Midday - Noon Mezzogiorno
Midnight Mezzanotte
Half past four Le quattro e mezza
Quarter past four Le quattro e un quarto
Quarter to four Le quattro menu un quarto


How to say it in Italian
What day is it? Che giorno é?
Day Giorno
Week Settimana
Bulan Mese
Year Anno
Monday Lunedí
Tuesday Martedí
Wednesday Mercoledí
Thursday Giovedí
Friday Venerdí
Saturday Sabato
Sunday Domenica
January Gennaio
February Febbraio
March Marzo
April Aprile
May Maggio
June Giugno
July Luglio
August Agosto
September Settembre
October Ottobre
November Novembre
December Dicembre

   When? Time References:

How to say it in Italian
Already Giá - Ormai - Da tempo
Always Sempre
Never Mai
Often Spesso
Sometimes Qualche volta
Rarely Raramente
Usually Di solito - Normalmente
Before Prima
After Dopo
Now Adesso - Ora - Subito
Today Oggi
Tonight Stasera
This morning Stamattina
Tomorrow Domani
After Tomorrow Dopodomani
Soon Tra poco - Prossimamente
In three days Tra tre giorni
Until ... Fino a ...
Yesterday Ieri
The day before yesterday L'altroieri
Three days ago Tre giorni fa
Last month Il mese scorso
Long time ago Tanto tempo fa
Earlier Poco fa - Recentemente
Just - Freshly Appena - Da poco
While Durante
Sunset Tramonto
Sunrise Alba
Morning Mattina
Afternoon Pomeriggio
Evening Sera
Night Notte


How to say it in Italian
Position Posizione
Where is it? Dove sta?
I would like to go to... Vorrei andare ...
How can I go to...? Come vado a ...?
How far is it? Quanto é distante? - Quanto é lontano?
Can you show it on the map? Puoi mostrarmelo sulla mappa?
This Questo
That Quello
Here Qui - Qua
There Li - La
Far Lontano
Near - Close Vicino
Short Corto
Long Lungo
Above Sopra
Below - Under Sotto
Right Destra
Left Sinistra
Straight Dritto
Beside - Next to Affianco - Accanto
Behind Dietro
In front of Davanti - Di Fronte
Around Intorno
Inside Dentro
Outside Fuori
Entrance Entrata
Exit Uscita
Climb - Ascent Salita
Slope - Descent Discesa
Plain - Flat - Lowland Pianura
No Entry Divieto d'accesso
Continue Prosegui - Continua
Turn left Girare a sinistra
Turn right Girare a destra
Turn back Tornare indietro
Start Inizio
End Fine
Kilometer Chilometri
Meters Metri
Nord Nord
South Sud
West Ovest
East Est


How to say it in Italian
Language Linguaggio - Lingua
Hi Ciao
Welcome Benvenuti
Good morning Buongiorno
Good afternoon Buon Pomeriggio
Good evening Buona sera
Good night Buona notte
Bye bye Arrivederci
Have a nice travel Buon viaggio
See you Ci vediamo.
Sorry Scusa
Thank you Grazie
No thank you No grazie
Yes thank you Si grazie
Please Per favore
How are you? Come stai?
Good Bene
Bad Male
What is your name? Come ti chiami?
My name is... Mi chiamo...
How old are you? Quanti anni hai?
I am ... years old Ho ... anni
Where do you come from? Da dove vieni?
I come from... Vengo da
Where do you live? Dove vivi?
Do you live here? Vivi qui?
I live in ... Vivo in ...
Where are you going? Dove stai andando?
Are you married? Sei sposato?
Do you have kids? Hai figli?
What is your job? Che lavoro fai?
What do you study? Cosa studi?
What a nice day! Che bella giornata!
Today it's hot! Che caldo Oggi
Today it's cold! Che freddo Oggi
Do you like this place? Ti piace questo posto?
I am kidding Sto scherzando
Keep in touch! Teniamoci in contatto
Congratulations! Congratulazioni!
Opinion Opinione
Idea Idea
Voice Voce

   People & Family:

How to say it in Italian
People Gente
Man Uomo - Maschio
Woman Donna - Femmina
Kid Bambino
Old Anziano
Mister Signore
Miss Signora
Mrs Signorina
Mom - Mother Mamma - Madre
Dad - Father Papà - Babbo - Padre
Grandfather Nonno
Grandmother Nonna
Son Figlio
Daughter Figlia
Brother or Sister Fratello o Sorella
Uncle Zio
Aunt Zia
Friend Amico
Partner - Couple Partner - Fidanzati - Coppia
Husband Marito
Wife Moglie
Family Famiglia
Married Sposato
Single Celibe - Single
Divorced Separato
Widowed Vedovo

   Means of Transport:

How to say it in Italian
Bus Bus - Autobus
Taxi Taxi
Ship Nave
Boat Barca
Train Treno
Subway Metropolitana
Airplane Aereo
Truck Camion
Car Macchina - Auto
Scooter Motorino
Motorbike Moto
By feet - By walking A piedi
Bicycle Bicicletta
Electric vehicle Veicolo elettrico

   Travel & Transport:

How to say it in Italian
Transport Trasporto
Travel -Trip Viaggio
Passport Passaporto
Visa Visto
Document Documenti
Station stop Fermata
Station Stazione
Harbor - Harbour - Port Porto
Airport Aeroporto
Suitcase - Luggage - Baggage Bagaglio
Lost luggage Bagaglio perso
Ticket Biglietto
Ticket office Biglietteria
Air condition Aria condizionata
Travel agency Agenzia di viaggi
Time Orario
What time does it leave? A che ora parte?
What time does it arrive? A che ora arriva?
What time does it get here? A che ora passa?
How long is the travel? Quanto dura il viaggio?
How much is it? Quanto costa?
Confirmed Confermato
Full Completo
Deleted Annullato
Changed Cambiato
Delayed Ritardo
Smoking class Fumatori
Non-smoking class Non fumatori
Can I seat here? Posso sedermi?
Where? Dove?
This is my seat Questo é il mio posto
Can you stop here please? Si fermi qui per favore
Let me down please - Get me down please Mi faccia scendere
Aisle seat Lato corridoio
Window seat Lato finestrino
Life Jacket Giubbotto di salvataggio
Seasick - Seasickness Mal di Mare
Taximeter Tassametro
Can you please turn on the taxameter? Per favore accenda il Tassametro
Can you bring me to this address? Mi può portare a questo indirizzo?
Address Indirizzo
Can you wait for me here please? Mi aspetti qui per favore.
Can you drive slower? Può andare più piano?
Can you drive faster? Può andare più veloce?
Can you drive responsibly? Guida responsabilmente
Driver Autista
Insurance Assicurazione
Plate of the vehicle Targa del veicolo
Vehicle documentation Documentazione del mezzo
Transfer of ownership Passaggio di proprietà
Map Mappa
Speed limit Limite di velocità
Parking Parcheggio
Mechanical Meccanico
Can you check this? Può controllare questo?
No entry Divieto d'accesso
Give priority Dare precedenza
Helmet Casco
Accident - Crash Incidente
It won't start Non parte
Blown tire - Perforated tire - Punctured tire Gomma bucata
To fix the tire Riparare la gomma
Gas - Gasoline - Petrol Benzina
Gas station Benzinaio
Charger Ricarica
Fill my fuel tank Il pieno
Out of gas - Without gasoline Senza benzina
Kilometer Chilometri

   Places of the House:

How to say it in Italian
Home - House Casa
Kitchen Cucina
Living room Salotto
Bedroom Camera da Letto
Bed Letto
Dining room Camera da Pranzo
Toilet - Bathroom Bagno
Garden Giardino
Terrace Terrazza
Balcony Balcone
Roof Tetto
Wall Muro
Paint Pittura
Ceiling Soffitto
Floor Pavimento
Electrical system Impianto elettrico
Plumbing - Hydraulic system Impianto idraulico
Switch Interruttore
Power outlet - Socket Presa della corrente
Power strip Ciabatta elettrica
Window Finestra
Door Porta
Elevator - Lift Ascensore

   Furniture & Tools:

How to say it in Italian
Lamp Lampada
Bulb Lampadina
Light Luce
Chair - Seat Sedia
Table Tavolo
Bedside table Comodino
Couch - Sofa Divano - Sofa
Bed Letto
Blanket Coperta
Bed sheets - Bed linen Lenzuola
Pillow - Cushion Cuscino
Pillow cover - Cushion cover Fodera
Mat - Rug Tappetino
Carpet Tappeto
Curtain Tenda
Door handle Maniglia
Lock - Keyhole Serratura
Mirror Specchio
Closet - Wardrobe - Cabinet Armadio
Shelf Mensola
Book Libro
Hanger - Clothes hanging Appendi abiti
WC Tavoletta del bagno - WC
Water spray Spruzzino
Tap - Faucet Rubinetto
Shower Doccia
Bathtub Vasca
Sink - Washbasin Lavandino
Air condition Aria condizionata - Climatizzatore
Remote control of air condition Telecomando dell'aria condizionata
Fan Ventilatore
Toaster Tostapane
Dishwasher Lavastoviglie
Washing machine Lavatrice
Laundry Lavanderia
Phone Telefono
Vault - Safe box Cassaforte
Keys Chiavi
Toothpaste Dentifricio
Toothbrush Spazzolino
Hairbrush Spazzola
Comb Pettine
Razor - Shaver Rasoio
Shaving foam - Shaving cream Schiuma da barba
Soap Sapone
Shampoo Shampoo
Conditioner Balsamo
Toilet paper Carta igienica
Towel Asciugamano
Hair dryer Fon
Ironing board - Iron Ferro da Stiro
Mosquito net Zanzariera
Mosquito repellent spray Spray anti zanzare
Cigarettes Sigarette
Ashtray Posacenere
Remote control Telecomando
Television Televisione
Dish soap Sapone per i piatti
Floor soap Sapone per i pavimenti
Broom - Broomstick Scopa
Mop Mocio
Cloth Panno
Sponge Spugna
Bucket Secchio
Rubbish bin - Trash bin Pattumiera
Dustbin Raccoglitore - Paletta

   Hotel - Common Words:

How to say it in Italian
Room Camera
Hotel Hotel
Camping Campeggio
Camping tend Tenda da campeggio
Beach bangalow Capanna sulla Spiaggia
Guesthouse Guesthouse
Hostel Ostello
Swimming pool Piscina
Reservation Prenotazione
Days stay - Days of accommodation Giorni di pernottamento
Family Famiglia
Business Affari
We are in (number) Siamo in (tre)
Group Gruppo
Names Nomi
My name is... Mi chiamo (...)
Address Indirizzo
Passport Passaporto
Document Documenti
Available room Camere libere
Quiet room - Silent room Camera silenziosa
Bright room - Light room Camera luminosa
Room with a view Camera con vista
The best room La camera Migliore
Room with a kitchen Camera con cucina
Luxury Lusso
Cheap Economica
I like it a lot Mi piace molto
I don't like it Non mi piace
Can I see another room? Posso vedere un'altra camera?
How much is it? Quanto cosa?
I take it La prendo
It doesn't work Non funziona
Massage Massaggio
What time is it the breakfast? A che ora fate la colazione?
Half board Mezza Pensione
Full board Pensione Completa
Can you wake me up? Potrebbe svegliarmi?
Private bathroom Bagno in camera
Shared bathroom Bagno condiviso
Hot water Acqua calda
Cold water Acqua fredda
Single bed Letto singolo
Double bed Letto matrimoniale
Extra bed Letto aggiuntivo
Internet Internet
WiFi WiFi
Password Password
Cleaning service Servizio pulizie
Room service Servizio in camera
Who's there? Chi é?
A moment! Un momento!
Can you back later? Torni più tardi.
Check in Check in
Checkout Checkout
Bill - Check Il conto
I had a great time Sono stato benissimo
I will recommend it to everyone! Lo consiglierò a tutti
Thank you Grazie

   Places & Nature:

How to say it in Italian
Place Luogo
Beach Spiaggia
Lake Lago
River Fiume
Waterfall Cascata
Plain - Lowland Pianura
Hill Collina
Mountain Montagna
Forest Foresta
Jungle Giungla
Archipelago Arcipelago
Island Isola
Cliff Scogliera
Ravine Burrone
Abyss Abisso
World Mondo
Nature Natura
Air Aria
Water Acqua
Fire Fuoco
Land - Ground Terra
Sun Sole
Moon Luna
Cloud Nuvola
Sky Cielo
Earth Terra - Mondo
Rock - Stone Roccia - Sasso
Wood Legno
Mud Fango
Puddle Pozzanghera
Sea - Ocean Mare
Waves Onde
Path - Trail - Footpath Sentiero
Paddy - Rice field Risaia
Park Parco
Iron Ferro

   Places & City:

How to say it in Italian
Country - Nation Paese - Nazione
Abroad Estero - Paese al di fuori del proprio
Border - Frontier Frontiera
Capital Capitale
City Città
Village Villaggio
Bridge Ponte
Traffic light Semaforo
Intersection - Crossroad Incrocio
Road Strada
Main road Strada principale
Highway Autostrada
Sidewalk Marciapiede
Underpass Sottopassaggio
Poth hole - Bump road Buca
Dumpster Cassonetto della spazzatura
Pollution Inquinamento
Office Ufficio
School Scuola
Shop Negozio
Supermarket - Grocery store Supermercato
Traditional market Mercato tradizionale
Mall Centro commerciale
Bar Bar
Restaurant Ristorante
Disco Discoteca
House - Home Casa
Building Palazzo
Private Privato
Public Pubblico


How to say it in Italian
Weather Clima
Season Stagione
Hot Caldo
Cold Freddo
Summer Estate
Winter Inverno
Sun Sole
Rain Pioggia
Storm Temporale
Wind Vento
Heat Afa
Lightning Fulmine
Thunder Tuono
Cloudy Nuvole
Flood - Flooding Alluvione
Raincoat Impermeabile
Umbrella Ombrello
Sun cream - Sunblock Protezione solare
Shadow Ombra


How to say it in Italian
I would like to see... Vorrei vedere...
What is this? Che cosa é?
Where are we? Dove siamo?
Who is the author? Chi é l'autore?
Can I make photos? Posso fare delle fotografie?
Can I make videos? Posso fare un video?
Can I go there? Posso andare lí?
Tourist guide Guida
Driver Autista
Hike - Tour Escursioni
Map Mappa
Catalogue Catalogo
Tourist visits Visite
City Città
Museum Museo
Monumento Monumento
Have I to follow some rule? Devo seguire regole particolari?
Visit to historical places Visite a carattere Storico
Visit to religious places Visite a carattere Religioso
Visit to cultural places Visite a carattere Culturale
Visit to natural places Visite a carattere Naturalistico
Park Parco
Amusement park Parco giochi
Ruins Rovine
Wreck Relitto
Entrance Entrata
Exit Uscita
Time schedule Orario
Ticket price Costo biglietto


How to say it in Italian
White Bianco
Black Nero
Gray - Gray Grigio
Blue Blu
Yellow Giallo
Red Rosso
Green Verde
Brown Marrone
Orange Arancione
Purple Viola
Lilac Lilla
Pink Rosa
Light blue - Azure Azzurro
Gold Oro
Silver Argento

   Animals & Plants:

How to say it in Italian
Animal Animale
Wild Selvatico
Dog Cane
Cat Gatto
Monkey Scimmia
Tiger Tigre
Lion Leone
Wolf Lupo
Buffalo Bufalo
Bull Toro
Cow Mucca
Horse Cavallo
Rabbit Coniglio
Chicken Gallina
Duck Papera - Anatra
Pig Maiale
Boar Cinghiale
Elephant Elefante
Snake Serpente
Crocodile Coccodrillo
Turtle Tartaruga
Mouse Topo
Rat Ratto
Frog Rana
Spider Ragno
Scorpion Scorpione
Fly Mosca
Mosquito Zanzara
Snail Lumaca
Moth Tarma
Caterpillar Bruco
Butterfly Farfalla
Ant Formica
Gecko Geco
Lizard Lucertola
Fish Pesce
Jellyfish Medusa
Shrimp Gambero
Shark Squalo
Dolphin Delfino
Tuna Tonno
Whale Balena
Shell Conchiglia
Bird Uccello
Eagle Aquila
Raven - Crow Corvo
Seagull Gabbiano
Pigeon - Dove Piccione
Plant Pianta
Tree Albero
Flower Fiore
Fruit Frutto


   Kitchen Tools:

How to say it in Italian
Kitchen Cucina
Table Tavolo
Counter Bancone
Tablecloth Tovaglia
Towel Tovagliolino
Tissue Fazzoletto
Plate Piatto
Bowl Scodella
Fork Forchetta
Spoon Cucchiaio
Tea spoon Cucchiaino
Knife Coltello
Ladle Mestolo
Glass Bicchiere
Mug - Cup Tazza
Bottle Bottiglia
Bottle opener Apribottiglie
Pan Padella
Pot holders - Pot clips Presine
Serving tongs Pinze
Grill Griglia
Oven Forno
Stove Fornello
Fire Fuoco
Gas bottle Bombola del Gas
Lighter - Cigarette lighter Accendino
Fridge - Refrigerator Frigorifero
Tray Vassoio
Cutting board - Chopping board Tagliere
Pack Pacco
Jar Vaso
Box Scatola
Can opener Apriscatole
Can Lattina
Colander Scolapasta - Colino

   Menù & General:

How to say it in Italian
Menu Menu
Ingredients Ingredienti
Grocery shopping Fare la spesa
Flour Farina
Row rice Riso crudo
Cooked rice Riso cotto
Noodles Spaghetti
Bread Bread
Pizza Pizza
Soup Zuppa
Fries - Fried Frittura


How to say it in Italian
Vegetables Verdure
Salad Insalata
Zucchini Zucchina
Cabbage Cavolo
Tomato Pomodoro
Carrot Carota
Cucumber Cetriolo
Potato Patata
Spinach Spinaci
Broccoli Broccoli
Cauliflower Cavolfiore
Bell pepper Peperone


How to say it in Italian
Fruit Frutta
Grape Uva
Apple Mela
Pear Pera
Banana Banana
Watermelon Anguria
Melon Melone
Strawberry Fragola
Berries Frutti di Bosco
Blackberries More
Orange Arancia
Lemon Limone
Tangerine Mandarino
Lime Lime
Nuts Noci
Almonds Mandorle
Hazelnuts Nocciole
Chestnuts Castagne
Peanuts Arachidi
Coconut Cocco
Papaya Papaya
Pineapple Ananas
Mango Mango

   Fish & Meat:

How to say it in Italian
Fish Pesce
Tuna Tonno
Salmon Salmone
Seafood Frutti di mare
Squid Calamaro
Shrimp Gambero
Clam Vongola
Crab Granchio
Oyster Ostricha
Lobster Aragosta
Meat Carne
Chicken Pollo
Pork Maiale
Goat Capra
Beef Manzo
Rabbit Coniglio
Meatball Polpette
Egg Uova

   Seasonings & Sauces:

How to say it in Italian
Chili Peperoncino
Onion Cipolla
Garlic Aglio
Oil Olio
Butter Burro
Milk Latte
Cheese Formaggio
Salt Sale
Pepper Pepe
Oregano Origano
Rosemary Rosmarino
Saffron Zafferano
Cloves Chiodi di Garofano
Cinnamon Cannella
Mint Menta - Mentuccia
Ginger Zenzero
Turmeric Curcuma
Nutmeg Noce moscata
Spicy sauce Salsa piccante
Ketchup Ketchup
Soy sauce Salsa di soia


How to say it in Italian
Dessert - Sweets Dolce
Ice Cream Gelato
Chocolate Cioccolato
Fruit salad Macedonia
Biscuit - Cookie Biscotto
Cake Torta
Pancake Pancake
Sugar Zucchero
Honey Miele


How to say it in Italian
Ice Ghiaccio
Water Acqua
Non Alcoholic drink Bevande analcoliche
Alcoholic drink Bevande alcoliche
Juice Succo di frutta
Lemonade Limonata
Hot coffee Caffé caldo
Cold coffee Caffé freddo
Hot tea Té caldo
Cold tea Té freddo
Beer Birra
Wine Vino
Traditional spirit - Liqueur Distillati tradizionali

   Ways of Cooking & Flavors:

How to say it in Italian
Grams Grammi
Kilos Chili
A pinch of Un pizzico di...
Well cooked Ben cotto
Row - Uncooked Crudo
Fried Fritto
Stir fried Ripassato in padella
Grilled Grigliato
Boiled Bollito
Steamed Al vapore
Smoked Affumicato
Dried Essiccato
Frozen Surgelato
Fresh Fresco di giornata
Hot Caldo
Cold Freddo
Sweet Dolce
Salty Salato
Bitter Amaro
Sour Acido - Aspro
Seasoned Speziato
Spicy Piccante
Unsalted Sciapo

   At the Restaurant:

How to say it in Italian
Restaurant Ristorante
Bar Bar
Food Cibo
Drinks Bevanda
Hungry - Starving Fame
Thirsty Sete
Breakfast Colazione
Lunch Pranzo
Dinner Cena
Snack Spuntino
Without chili Non piccante
Without sugar Senza Zucchero
Without ice Senza ghiaccio
I am vegetarian Sono vegetariano
I am vegan Sono vegano
I am celiac Sono celiaco
I cannot eat gluten Non posso mangiare il glutine
I do not eat... Non mangio...
I am allergic to... Sono allergico a...
How do you call this? Come si chiama questo?
Can I try it? - Can I taste it? Posso assaggiarlo?
Close Chiuso
Open Aperto
Is there an empty table? - Is there a vacant place? C'é posto?
I would like to order Vorrei ordinare
What do you recommend? Cosa raccomandi? - Cosa mi consiglia?
The local speciality La specialità locale
I take this Prendo questo
Thank you Grazie
Sorry? - Pardon? Scusi?
Waiter! Cameriere!
One more Ancora uno
Smoking Fumatori
Non smoking Non fumatori
Ashtray Posacenere
Do you like it? Ti piace?
I like it a lot Mi piace molto
I don't like it Non mi piace
Too salty Troppo salato
Too sweet Troppo dolce
Too spicy Troppo piccante
I am full - I feel full Sono pieno
I am still starved - I am still hungry Ho ancora fame
Cheers! Cin cin!
I am drunk! Sono ubriaco
Where is the toilet? Dove sta il bagno?
Bill - Check Il conto


   Doctors & Specialists:

How to say it in Italian
Doctor Dottore
General pratictioner Medico generico
Surgeon Chirurgo
Cardiologist Cardiologo
Internist Internista
Dermatologist Dermatologo
Gynecologist Ginecologo
Optician Ottico
Pediatrician Pediatra
Orthopedic Ortopedico
Dentist Dentista
Psychiatrist Psichiatra
Dietician Dietologo
Urologist Urologo
Ophthalmic Oftalmico
Otolaryngology Otorinolaringoiatria
Anesthetist Anestetista

   Parts of the Body:

How to say it in Italian
Body parts Parti del corpo
Body Corpo
Hair Capelli
Skin Pelle
Face Faccia - Viso
Head Testa
Eye Occhio
Pupil Pupilla
Nose Naso
Mouth Bocca
Lips Labbra
Teeth Denti
Ear Orecchie
Tongue Lingua
Neck Collo
Throat Gola
Shoulders Spalle
Back Dorso
Chest Petto
Breast Seno
Nipple Capezzolo
Tummy - Belly Pancia
Bottom - Gluteus Sedere - Glutei
Arm Braccio
Hand Mano
Finger Dita
Leg Gamba
Knee Ginocchio
Foot Piede
Nail Unghie
Brain Cervello
Heart Cuore
Lung Polmoni
Stomach Stomaco
Liver Fegato
Kidney Reni
Bowel - Gut - Intestine Intestino
Blood Sangue
Hairs Peli
Muscle Muscolo


How to say it in Italian
Over the counter drugs Farmaci da banco
Drugstore - Pharmacy Farmacia
Hydrogen peroxide Acqua ossigenata
Anti septic - Disinfectant Antisettico - Disinfettante
Mosquito repellent Lozione anti zanzare
Antihistaminic - Anti allergic Antistaminico - Antiallergico
Antibiotic Antibiotico
Antipyretic Antipiretico
Acetaminophen - Paracetamol Paracetamolo
Anti inflammatory Anti infiammatorio
Painkiller - Analgesic Analgesico
Sleeping pill Sonnifero
Rectal suppository Supposta
Contraceptive Contraccettivi
Anti fungal Crema antimicotica
Anti diarrheal Farmaco antidiarroico
Anti malarial Farmaco antimalarico
Thermometer Termometro
I usually take this medicine: Prendo questo farmaco
For high blood pressure Contro l'alta pressione sanguigna
For cholesterol Contro il colesterolo
For the heart Per il cuore
For the kidneys Per i reni
For the liver Per il fegato
For the bowel Per l'intestino
For the blood circulation Per la circolazione sanguigna


How to say it in Italian
Symptoms Sintomi
Medical conditions Condizioni mediche
Wave of heat - Heat flash Vampata di calore
Fever Febbre
Shivers Brividi
Cough Tosse
Sneeze Raffreddore
Sore throat Mal di gola
I feel weak Sono debole
Vomit Vomito
Diarrhea Diarrea
Constipation Stitichezza
Vertigo - Dizziness Vertigini
Hemorrhage Emorragia
Itch Prurito
Lump Nodulo
Swolleng glands Ghiandola gonfia
Wound - Injury Ferita
Broken bone Osso rotto
Intestinal pain - Gut pain Dolori intestinali
Stomach pain - Stomachache Dolori allo stomaco
Ulcer Ulcera
High Blood pressure Pressione sanguigna alta
Asthma Asma
Operation Operazione
Epilepsy Apilessia
Bradycardia Brachicardia
Tachycardia Tachicardia
Heart condition - Heart problem Problemi al cuore
Stroke - Heart attack Infarto
I had a stroke Ho avuto un infarto
I've been operated Sono stato operato
Depression Depressione
Insomnia - Sleepless Insonne
Dehydrated Disidratato
Anxiety Ansia
Malaria Malaria
Dengue Dengue
Diabetes Diabete
Coeliac disease Celiachia
Tooth decay - Caries Carie
Toothache Mal di denti
Pimple - Acne Brufoli - Acne

   Health & Emergencies:

How to say it in Italian
I am sick - I feel bad - I feel sick Sto male!
He / she feels sick! Lui sta male!
Are you ok? Stai bene?
Help. Aiuto.
Do you need help? Hai bisogno di aiuto?
Vax - Vaccine Vaccino
Hospital Ospedale
Call a doctor! Chiamate un medico!
Bring me to the hospital! Portatemi all'ospedale!
Bring him / her to the hospital! Portatelo all'ospedale!
I have a medical insurance - I have a health insurance Ho l'assicurazione medica
I don't have a medical insurance Non ho l'assicurazione medica
This medicine is for personal use Questa medicina é per uso personale
Prescription - Medical recipe Ricetta medica
I have a sore right here - I feel pain here - It hurts here Mi fa male qui
Allergy: Allergia
I am allergic to nuts Sono allergico alla frutta secca
I am allergic to seafood Sono allergico ai frutti di mare
I am allergic to gluten Sono allergico al glutine
I am allergic to dairy products Sono allergico ai latticini
I am allergic to bee stings Sono allergico alle api
I am allergic to stings Sono allergico alle punture
I am allergic to cats Sono allergico ai gatti
I am allergic to dogs Sono allergico ai cani
I am allergic to dust Sono allergico alla polvere
I feel weird Mi sento strano
I feel worse Mi sento peggio
I feel better Mi sento meglio

   Safety & Emergencies:

How to say it in Italian
Don't ... ! Non ... !
Be careful - Pay attention Stai attento - Fai attenzione
Help. Aiuto.
This is an emergency! È un emergenza!
Call the police! Chiamate la polizia!
Call the firemen! - Firefighters Chiamate i pompieri!
Call a doctor! Chiamate un medico!
Bring me to the hospital! Portatemi all'ospedale!
Bring him / her to the hospital! Portatelo all'ospedale!
Call an ambulance! Chiamate un ambulanza!
I feel bad! Sto male!
He / She feels bad! Lui sta male!
Attention! Attenzione!
It's dangerous! Pericolo!
Fire! Al fuoco! - Incendio!
I'm drowning! Affogo!
Thief! Ladro!
Stop! Fermo!
Go away! Vattene!
I am lost. Mi sono perso.
I have lost my passport Ho perso il passaporto
I have lost my document Ho perso i documenti
My visa is expired Visto scaduto
Can I use your phone? Posso usare il tuo telefono?
Where is the police headquarter? Dov'é la questura?
Where is the embassy? Dov'é l'ambasciata?
Where is the immigration? Dov'é l'ufficio immigrazione?
I want to file a complaint Voglio fare una denuncia
Aggression - Attack - Assault Aggressione
I was attacked Sono stato aggredito.
Rape - Rapist Stupro
Weapon Armi
Gun Pistola
Knife Coltello
Stick Bastone
Theft - Robbery - Stealing Furto
I was robbed Sono stato derubato.
Wallet Portafoglio
Jewelry Gioielli
Bag Borsa
Luggage - Suitcase Valigia
Phone Cellulare
Money Soldi
Credit card Carta di credito
Computer Computer
Document Documenti
It was him! - It was her! È stato lui! - È stata lei!
I am sorry Mi dispiace
I don't understand Non capisco
It wasn't me! - I didn't do it! Non sono stato io
I want a lawyer Voglio un avvocato
It's not mine! Non é mio
I don't know what's inside! Non so cosa ci sia qui dentro
This medicine is for personal use Questa medicina é per uso personale
This is the prescription Questa é la ricetta medica
I am innocent Sono innocente

   Money & Payment:

How to say it in Italian
Money Soldi
Cash Banconota
Credi card Carta di Credito
ATM Bancomat
How much is it? Quanto costa?
Price Prezzo
Can you write the price? Puoi scrivere il prezzo?
Do you accept credit card? Accettate la carta di credito?
I have a problem with my credit card Ho un problema con la carta di credito.
I would like to have Vorrei
Change the money - Money changer Cambiare i Soldi
What is the currency exchange? A quanto sta il cambio?
Can I check it again? Posso controllare nuovamente?
Withdraw my money Prelevare i Soldi
Where can I find a ATM machine? Dove posso trovare un bancomat?
Gratis Gratis
Bank Banca
Open a bank account Aprire un conto corrente
Make a bank transfer Fare un bonifico

   Special for Kids:

How to say it in Italian
Is it a suitable place for kids? É un luogo adatto per bambini?
Is it safe for kid? É messo in sicurezza per i bambini?
Where can I change the diaper? Dove posso cambiare il mio bambino?
Do you know a doctor for kids? Conosce un medico per bambini?
Baby Bambino - Bambina
Changing table - Changing mat Fasciatoio
Diaper Pannolino
Products for kids Prodotti per bambini
Moisturizing - Cream for irritated skin Crema per pelle irritata
Milk for baby Latte per bambini
Baby bottle Biberon
Pacifier Ciuccio
Cot Culla
Kindergarten Nido
Baby portion Porzione per bambini
Discount for children Sconto per bambini
Babysitter Babysitter
Booster seat Seggiolino
Stroller Passeggino
Potties Vasino
Toy Giocattolo - Gioco
Toy store - Toy shop Negozio di Giocattoli
Playground Parco giochi
Paper and pencil Fogli e matite
Markers Pennarelli
School Scuola
Cry Pianto
Laugh Risa

   Special for Women:

How to say it in Italian
Make up Trucco
Lipstick Rossetto
Foundation cream Fondotinta
Eyebrown pencil Matita per gli Occhi
Perfume Profumo
Beautician Estetista
Salon - Hairdresser Parrucchiere
Hair colouring Tinta
Styling - Blow out Messa in piega
Haircut Taglio
Nail Unghie
Polish Smalto
Heels Tacchi
Bra - Brassiere Reggiseno
Should I wear a veil? - Should I wear a hijab? Devo indossare un velo?
Is that advisable? - Is that a good idea? È una cosa consigliabile?
I am alone Sono da sola.
Is it dangerous? È pericoloso?
Can you call a taxi? Può chiamare un taxi?
Can you drive me home? - Can you take me home? Mi puoi accompagnare a casa?
Can you help me? Mi può aiutare?
I don't feel safe - I don't feel confident Non mi sento sicura.
I am scared Sono spaventata
I am not afraid Non mi fai paura
Can you walk away please? Puoi allontanarti per favore?
Stay away from me! Non mi rompere!
I am engaged Sono fidanzata
I am married Sono sposata
I have my period - I have got menstruation Ho le mestruazioni
Pad - Tampon Assorbente
Where can I find a pad? Dove posso trovare degli assorbenti?
I use the contraceptive pill Uso la pillola contraccettiva
My period is (x) weeks late Ho un ritardo di (x) settimane
I am pregnant Sono incinta
I have to breastfeed Devo allattare

   Special for Disabled People:

How to say it in Italian
I am disabled Sono disabile
I need assistance Ho bisogno di assistenza
Can you help me? Mi può aiutare?
Thank you Grazie
Are there disabled facilities? Ci sono servizi per disabili?
Wheelchair Sedia a rotelle
Is there a wheelchair access? C'é un accesso per sedie a rotelle?
Where can I go? Dove posso andare?
Is this road safe for me? Questa strada é sicura per me?
Lift - Elevator Ascensore
I am deaf Sono sordo
Hearing device Apparecchio acustico
I am mute Sono muto
Sign language Linguaggio dei gesti



How to say it in Italian
I agree Essere d'accordo
I disagree Non essere d'accordo
Hungry - Starved Affamato
Thirsty Assetato
Feeling hot Accaldato
Feeling cold Raffreddato
Tired Stanco
Happy Felice - Allegro - Contento
Joyful Gioioso
Enjoyed Divertito
Sad Triste
Friendly - Kind Gentile
Unfriendly - Rude Sgarbato
Angry Arrabbiato
Crazy Pazzo - Matto - Folle
Crying Pianto
Laughing Risa
Disappointed Deluso
Ashamed - Embarassed Imbarazzato
Worried Preoccupato
Offended - Hurt Offeso
Surprised Sorpreso
In love Innamorato
Cheated - Betrayed Tradito
Excited Eccitato
Hurried - Rushed Affrettato
Relaxed Rilassato
Bored Annoiato
Sleepy Assonnato - Sonno
Awake Sveglio
Weird Strano
Lucky Fortunato
Unlucky Sfortunato
Curious Incuriosito
Lost Perso
Brave - Corageous Coraggioso
Scared Impaurito - Spaventato
Tear Lacrima
Liar Bugiardo
Sincere Sincero

   Communication & Technology:

How to say it in Italian
Technology Tecnologia
Computer Computer
Laptop Portatile - Laptop
Phone Cellulare - Telefono
Tablet Tablet
Device Device
Screen Schermo
Mouse Mouse
Keyboard Tastiera
Esternal memory Memoria esterna
USB pen Penna usb
Charger Caricatore - Caricabatterie
SIM card Scheda telefonica - SIM
Scanner Scanner
Printer Stampante
Paper Carta
Ink Inchiostro
Antenna Antenna
Television Televisore
Radio Radio
Satellite Satellite
Modem Modem
Internet Internet
Data Pacchetto dati
Cable Cavo
Access Accesso
Setting Settaggio
Login Login
Logout Logout
Website Sito internet
Social Media Social Media
Backup Backup
Communication Comunicazioni
Postal office Ufficio Postale
Email Email
Phone number Numero di telefono
What is your phone number? Qual é il tuo numero?
My number is... Il mio numero é...
What is the password? Qual é la password?
How much is it? Quanto costa?
To call Chiamare
Postcard Cartolina
Letter Lettera
Postal code Codice Postale
Notebook Quaderno
Pen Penna
Pencil Matita
Eraser Gomma da cancellare
Shissors Forbici
Cutter Taglierino
Glue Colla
Agenda Agenda
Calendar Calendario

   Job Professions:

How to say it in Italian
Job profession Professione
Farmer Contadino
Fisherman Pescatore
Breeder Allevatore
Driver Autista
Architect Architetto
Lawyer Avvocato
Notary Notaio
Judge Giudice
Engineer Ingegnere
Policeman Poliziotto
Fireman - Firefighter Pompiere
Nurse Infermiere
Doctor Medico
Accountant Contabile - Commercialista
Reporter - Journalist Giornalista
Musician Musicista
Programmer - Developer Programmatore
Graphic designer Grafico
Illustrator Illustratore
Artist Artista
Goldsmith - Jeweler Orefice - Gioielliere
Painter Pittore (Artista)
House painter Pittore - Imbianchino
Bricklayer Muratore
Blacksmith - Locksmith Fabbro
Carpenter Falegname
Gardener Giardiniere
Electrician Elettricista
Plumber Idraulico
Researcher Ricercatore
Teacher Insegnante
Student Studente
Businessman Uomo d'Affari
Assistant Segretaria
Government employee Impiegato statale
Unemployed - Jobless Disoccupato


How to say it in Italian
Business Affari
Conference Conferenza
Course - Class Corso
Trade show - Trade fair - Trade exhibition Fiera commerciale
Meeting Riunione
Company Società
Boss - Chief Capo - Il presidente
Tax Tasse
Bureaucracy Burocrazia
Counter Sportello
Stamp - Postage stamp Bollo - Francobollo
Where are the document? Dove sono i documenti?
Can I read the contract? Posso leggere il contratto?
Can you translate it please? Può farlo tradurre per favore?
Call me when it's done Mi richiami appena fatto.
Call me when you can Mi richiami quando può.
See you tomorrow Ci vediamo domani.
Hotel Albergo
Appointment Appuntamento
My room is the number... La mia camera é la numero...
This is my business card Questo é il mio biglietto da visita
This is my address Questo é il mio indirizzo
This is my phone number Questo é il mio numero di telefono
This ie my email Questa é la mia Email
I like this idea Mi piace questa idea
Deal! Affare fatto
I must think about it Devo pensarci
I do not agree Non sono d'accordo
We should change something Dovremmo modificare qualcosa.
Thank you for your time Grazie per avermi dedicato del tempo
Do you want to drink something? Andiamo a bere qualcosa?
Do you want to eat something? Andiamo a mangiare qualcosa?
It's on me - My treat Pago io - Offro io
Bank Banca
Bank account Conto bancario
What time does the bank open? A che ora apre la banca?
ATM Bancomat
Money Soldi
Problem Problema
PIN Code Codice PIN
Withdraw Prelevare
Transfer Bonifico
Credit card Carta di credito
Bank check Assegno
Identity card Documento d'Identità
Signature Firma

   Dating & Love:

How to say it in Italian
What is your name? Come ti chiami?
I am... Io sono...
How old are you? Quanti anni hai?
You are kind Sei gentile
You make me feel good Mi fai stare bene
You make me laugh Mi fai ridere
Handsome Bello
Beautiful Bella
You are perfect Sei perfetta
Kiss Bacio
I like you Mi piaci
I am falling in love with you Mi sto innamorando
I love you Ti amo
Honey Tesoro
My love Amore mio
Do you want to hang out with me? Vuoi uscire con me?
What do you do tonight? Che cosa fai stasera?
What are you doing now? Che cosa fai ora?
What will you do this weekend? Che cosa fai questo fine settimana?
Do we meet tomorrow? Ci vediamo domani?
What time do we meet? A che ora ci vediamo?
Where do we meet? Dove ci vediamo?
Do you want to go to...? Vuoi andare a ...?
Do you want to dance? Vuoi ballare?
Do you want to drink something? Vuoi bere qualcosa?
Do you want to eat something? Vuoi mangiare qualcosa?
Do you want to have a walk? Vuoi fare una passeggiata?
Do you want to come to my place? Vuoi venire da me?
Can I call you? Posso chiamarti?
Can I kiss you? Posso baciarti?
Do you want to marry me? Vuoi sposarmi?
Yes Si
I would be happy Ne sarei felice
No No
I can't Non posso.
Sorry Scusa
Thank you Grazie
See you later Ci vediamo più tardi
See you tomorrow A domani
See you soon A presto
I can't wait for! Non vedo l'ora
I am in late Sono in ritardo
I will pick you up Vengo a prenderti io
It's on me - My treat Offro io
Where are you? Dove sei?
I miss you Mi manchi
I wish you were here Vorrei stare li con te

   Shopping - Generic:

How to say it in Italian
Thing - Item - Stuff Oggetto
Shop - Store Negozio
Commercial center - Mall Centro commerciale
Market Mercato
I would like please... Vorrei per favore
I am looking for... Sto cercando
Warranty Garanzia
Color Colore
Size Taglia
Can I try it? Posso provarlo?
How it looks? - How does it look on me? Come mi sta?
Which one is the best? Qual é il migliore?
What do you think about it? Cosa ne pensi?
Large Largo
Tight Stretto
Short Corto
Long Lungo
It is broken É rotto
Can I change it? Può cambiarlo?
Can you wrap it? Può incartarlo?
Price Prezzo
Real price - Local price Prezzo reale
Cheap Costa poco - Economico
Too expensive Costa troppo - Costoso
Can you make a discount? Può farmi uno sconto?
I don't have money with me Non ho i soldi con me
Good quality Buona qualità
Best quality La migliore qualità
Choice Scelta
Shipping Spedizione
Barber Barbiere
Is it a new razor blade? È una lametta nuova?
Hairstylist Parrucchiere
Hair Capelli
Haircut Taglio
Hair dye Tinta

   Shopping - Items List:

How to say it in Italian
Short sleeves Maniche corte
Long sleeves Maniche lunghe
Pants Pantalone
T-Shirt Maglietta
Tank top Canottiera
Sweater Felpa
Skirt Gonna
Dress Vestito
Robe Vestaglia
Pajamas Pigiama
Slipper Ciabatta
Shoes Scarpe
Socks Calzini
Underwear Mutande
Hat Cappello
Scarf Sciarpa
Jacket Giacca
Swimwear Costume da bagno
Bikini Bikini
Flip flop Infradito
Pocket Tasca
Needle Ago
Thread Filo da cucire
Sunglasses Occhiali da sole
Eyeglasses Occhiali da vista
Contact lens Lenti a contatto
Liquid for contact lens Liquido lenti
Bag Borsa
Backpack Zaino
Silver Argento
Gold Oro
Jewelry Gioielli
Ring Anello
Necklace Collana
Bracelet Bracciale
Diamond Diamante
Gem stone Pietra preziosa
Camera Macchina fotografica
Television Televisione
Computer Computer
Laptop Laptop
Library Libreria
Dictionary Vocabolario
Book Libro
Newspaper Giornale
Magazine Rivista
Guide Guida

   Arts & Culture:

How to say it in Italian
Tradition Tradizione
Traditional Culture Cultura tradizionale
Traditional Art Arte tradizionale
Modern Art Arte moderna
Cinema Cinema
Theatre Teatro
Museum Museo
Gallery Galleria
Monument Monumento
Art Arte
Dancing Danza
Photograpy Fotografia
Painting Pittura
Carving - Sculpture Scultura
Music Musica
Travelling Viaggiare
Massage Massaggio
Cooking class Corso di cucina
Free time Tempo libero
Musical instrument Strumento musicale
Concert Concerto
Singer Cantante
Musical band Gruppo musicale
Ticket Biglietto


How to say it in Italian
What is your religion? Qual é la tua religione?
Religion Religione
Christian Cristiano
Catholic Cattolico
Hindu Induista
Buddhist Buddista
Confucian Confuciano
Muslim Musulmano
Jew Ebreo
Mosque Moschea
Church Chiesa
Synagogue Sinagoga
Temple Tempio
Ceremony Cerimonia
To pray Pregare
To hope - To wish Sperare
To respect Rispettare
To offer Donare - Offrire
Sharing - To share Condivisione - Condividere
Meditation Meditazione
Yoga teacher Maestro di Yoga
Spiritual Retreat Ritiro spirituale
Ramadan Ramadan
Spirituality Spiritualità
Soul Anima
I would like to join Mi piacerebbe partecipare
I prefer to do not join Preferisco non partecipare
I don't want to offend you Non voglio offenderti
I didn’t mean to do anything wrong - It was not my intention Non intendevo fare qualcosa di sbagliato
Christmas Natale
Easter Pasqua
Paradise Paradiso
Hell Inferno
Funeral Funerale
Tomb - Grave Tomba


How to say it in Italian
Sport Sport
Stadium Stadio
Soccer - Footbal Calcio
Swimming Nuoto
Diving Immersioni
Surfing Surf
Snorkelling Snorkelling
Rafting Rafting
Biking Bicicletta
Running Corsa
Trekking Trekking
Golf Golf
Athletics Atletica
Box Box
Martial arts Arti marziali
Tennis Tennis
Volleyball Pallavolo
Basket Basket
Swimwear Costume da bagno
Mask Maschera
Fins Pinne
Snorkel Boccaglio
Scuba tanks - Diving cylinders Bombole
Shoes Scarpe
Ball Palla
Net Rete
Pole Palo
Sweatpants Tuta
Shorts - Trunks Pantaloncini
T-Shirt Maglietta
Racket Racchetta
Golf club Mazza da golf
Surfboard Tavola da surf
Team Squadra
Do you want to play? Vuoi giocare?


   Tongue Twister:

Trentatré trentini entrarono in Trento, tutti e trentatré trotterellando.
Sopra la panca la capra campa, sotto la panca la capra crepa.
Apelle figlio di Apollo fece una palla di pelle di pollo. Tutti i pesci vennero a galla per vedere la palla di pelle di pollo fatta da Apelle figlio di Apollo
Tre tigri contro tre tigri, tre tigri contro tre tigri.
Se l'arcivescovo di Costantinopoli si disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzasse, vi disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzereste voi come si è disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzato l'Arcivescovo di Costantinopoli?
Al pozzo dei pazzi una pazza lavava le pezze. Andò un pazzo e buttò la pazza con tutte le pezze nel pozzo dei pazzi.
A che serve che la serva si conservi la conserva se la serva quando serve non si serve di conserva?
Sette zucche secche e storte stanno strette dentro al sacco.
Due tazze strette in due strette tazze.
A quest'ora il questore in questura non c'è.
Filastrocca sciogligrovigli con la lingua ti ci impigli ma poi te la sgrovigli basta che non te la pigli
Sereno è seren sarà; se non sarà seren si rasserenerà
Oh che orrore, oh che orrore, ho visto un ramarro verde su un muro marrone.
Dietro il palazzo c'è un povero cane pazzo, date un pezzo di pane al povero pazzo cane.
Sul tagliere gli agli taglia, non tagliare la tovaglia, la tovaglia non è aglio, se la tagli fai uno sbaglio
Treno troppo stretto e troppo stracco stracca troppi storpi e stroppia troppo
Tito, tu mi hai ritinto il tetto, ma non ti intendi tanto di tetti ritinti.

   Common Sayings:

How to say it in Italian
Acting without considering possible difficulties. Fare i conti senza l'oste.
It is useless to repent after doing something. È inutile piangere sul latte versato.
Remain idle after achieving successes. Dormire sugli allori.
Oh my God! Oh mio Dio!
My goodness! Mamma mia! - Porca miseria!
Slowly but surely Chi va piano, va sano e va lontano
Having an idea that you can't get out of your head. Avere un chiodo fisso.
Being distracted Avere la testa fra le nuvole.
Pretend not to listen. Fare orecchie da mercante.
Having no secrets. Essere un libro aperto.
It is difficult or almost impossible to find something. Cercare un ago in un pagliaio.
Looking for every excuse. Trovare il pelo nell'uovo.
Someone who eats a lot Mangione
Street vendor Carretto ambulante
Don't judge the book by its cover Non giudicare un libro dalla sua copertina
Being afraid of everything Avere paura della propria ombra.
Being in a bad mood. Alzarsi con il piede sinistro.
Being particularly angry. Avere un diavolo per capello.
Give up Gettare la spugna.
Play with the fire Giocare con il fuoco
Making promises that can't be kept. Promettere mari e monti.
Support ideas in contrast with those of others to demonstrate their inconsistency. Fare l'avvocato del diavolo.
Being completely crazy. Essere pazzo come un cavallo.
Different like a cat and dog Differenti come un cane ed un gatto
Just saved in time. Salvarsi per un pelo.
To look like someone who has been mistreated, Avere l'aspetto di un cane bastonato.
It is important to persevere to achieve your goals. Chi la dura la vince.
It is better to be alone than to be in bad company. Meglio soli che mal accompagnati.
A feeling of remorse - To get disappointed by failing something Mordersi le dita - Rimorso
A wall-faced person that knows no shame Faccia da muro - Una persona che non ha il senso della vergogna
Use your heart - Be conscious Usa il tuo cuore - Sii cosciente
Fart Peto - Puzzetta
To flirt Flirtare
Hopping flea - A person who like to switch situations too fast, too soon Una pulce saltante - Una persona a cui piace cambiare le sue decisioni troppo velocemente
Finding the absolute best place (or person). Trovare l'America.
When an already rich person keeps getting richer. Piove sul bagnato.
Be amazed. Restarci di sasso.
Don't care. Lavarsene le mani.
Not being able to wait. Non vedere l'ora.
Someone, commonly a man, who likes to charm and seduce women Rubacuori
To impose discipline on someone. Mettere qualcuno in riga.
Run very fast. Avere le ali ai piedi.


   Traditional Sauces & Seasonings:

Ingredients in Italian
In Italian cuisine there are two different ways and recipes of tomato sauce, one typical of the central north and one of the central south. The central-northern version is prepared with sautéed celery, carrot and onion, to which the tomatoes are then added, which are crushed and brought to the boil. Cooking takes place essentially by boiling. The central-southern sauce, on the other hand, is prepared only with garlic, usually whole and dressed. The tomatoes are then added and browned whole over medium heat, being crushed only at the end of cooking. Salsa di Pomodoro
The finely chopped bacon is melted in a pan. Then add the finely chopped butter and herbs (celery, carrot and onion). Then add the minced meat and mix well with a ladle making it brown. The mixture is added to the wine and gently mixed until the wine has completely evaporated. The tomato is then added, covered with a lid and boiled slowly for about two hours, adding broth if necessary. Towards the end it is necessary to add the milk to give creaminess and dampen the acidity of the tomato. Finally, season with salt and pepper according to taste. Ragù bolognese
Amatriciana is a sauce made up of fried pork cheeks and blended with white wine, tomato, pecorino cheese, extra virgin olive oil, chilli pepper, salt and pepper. Salsa all'amatriciana
Tomatoes, garlic, abundant chilli pepper, raw parsley, salt, extra virgin olive oil. Sometimes grated Parmesan and Pecorino Romano are added. Salsa arrabbiata
It is a tomato based sauce, olive oil, garlic, black olives, capers and oregano. Sugo alla puttanesca
Tomato sauce with the addition of fried aubergines, salted ricotta and basil. Sugo alla Norma
Sauce composed of Pecorino Romano (or Parmesan), pork cheek, egg yolks and black pepper. The creaminess is given by the union of the eggs mixed with the cooking water. Salsa alla Carbonara
Sauce composed of Pecorino Romano (or Parmesan), pork cheek and black pepper. The creaminess comes from the union of the cheese mixed with the cooking water. Salsa alla Gricia
Genoese pesto is obtained by pounding basil with salt, pine nuts, garlic, parmesan, cheese and extra virgin olive oil. Pesto alla Genovese
Raw sauce, pounded with a mortar, whose main ingredients are: oil, basil, tomato, almonds, pecorino and red garlic. Pesto Siciliano
Sauce based on cold-crushed walnuts in a mortar with olive oil, garlic, salt and bread soaked in milk. Salsa di Noci
Pitted olive paté and extra virgin olive oil. Pate di Olive
Chicken liver paté with chicken broth, capers, butter, rosemary, vin santo, red onions, sage and extra virgin olive oil. Patè di Fegato - Paté Toscano
Artichoke paté with lemon, parsley, salt and extra virgin olive oil. Paté di Carciofi
A simple sauce composed of garlic, extra virgin olive oil, chilli pepper, parsley, salt and anchovies. Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino
The preparation consists in pouring a dough made with equal quantities of butter and flour cooked in milk, with a pinch of salt and a pinch of nutmeg. Salsa Besciamella
Agliata is a garlic and vinegar based sauce Agliata
The bagna càuda is a preparation based on garlic and desalted and deboned anchovies, cooked over low heat in olive oil, reducing everything to a sauce. Bagna Càuda

   Traditional Appetizers & Small Bites:

Ingredients in Italian
It consists of a slice of bread roasted on the grill or in the oven, on which a clove of garlic is rubbed while hot, which will melt with the bread due to the heat; the slice is then topped with a multitude of ingredients of your choice. Bruschette
The tramezzino is a triangular or rectangular sandwich consisting of two slices of sandwich bread, often without the crust, stuffed with salami, cheese, vegetables or other. There is a cold version and a grilled version. Tramezzini
The savory pie is generally round in shape. It is mainly prepared with eggs, butter and flour to which ingredients of your choice are added and which is then cooked in the oven. Torte salate
It is cooked using two discs of puff pastry, which are joined by a filling of mozzarella, béchamel, tomato and often pepper and nutmeg; it is brushed with egg and baked in the oven. Rustici
The Insalata Russa is the best known of the salads composed of cooked or mixed raw and cooked vegetables; it is served with boiled vegetables and diced potatoes, all seasoned with mayonnaise sauce; there are numerous variations, in which the addition of further ingredients is foreseen. Insalata Russa
The main ingredients are mussels and clams, as well as olive oil, garlic, chilli pepper, salt, dry white wine, parsley. Impepata di Cozze e Vongole - Sauté di Cozze e Vongole
A snack usually rounded and flattened in shape that is prepared by frying a portion of semi-liquid paste that can be combined with other ingredients. It can be both sweet and savory. Frittelle
A ball of breaded and fried rice, generally stuffed with meat sauce, peas and caciocavallo or diced cooked ham and mozzarella. Arancini - Arancine
A cylindrical fried meatball, prepared with rice boiled in salted water, seasoned with meat sauce and Roman pecorino cheese, eggs, and rolled up with a strip of mozzarella inside, passed in breadcrumbs and fried in boiling oil and finally left to cool . Suppli
Tarallo is a ring of unleavened dough cooked in the oven. The basic dough is made up of flour, water or white wine, oil and salt to which ingredients are sometimes added to flavor it, such as fennel seeds. Taralli - Tarallucci
It is a dish of boiled seafood seasoned with oil, salt, pepper and vinegar or lemon. Insalata di Mare
Floured and fried anchovies, served with salt and lemon. Alici Fritte
Cod prepared for conservation through a process of salting and subsequent seasoning. The cod is rinsed, battered and fried. Filetto di Baccala - Merluzzo Fritto
It is a savory pie made up of a dough base, filled with a mixture of boiled beets, shallots, onion, garlic and lots of parmesan. It is then closed with another layer of dough sprinkled with lardelli or bacon bits and pricked with a fork Erbazzone - Scarpazzone
It is a product similar to bread, made with type 0 flour, type 00 flour, milk, yeast, lard, oil and salt (with due and widespread variations). It can be baked, earthenware, or fried. Tigelle - Crescentine - Piadine
Flour, lard, salt, and carbonated water mixed together, left to rest, themselves and then fried. Gnocco Fritto
Cheese battered with eggs and flour, then fried. Formaggio Fritto
Sheets of sage covered in a batter of flour, egg and breadcrumbs. Then fried. Salvia Fritta
Pumpkins or zucchini flowers, battered with egg and flour, stuffed with mozzarella and anchovies, then fried. Fiori di Zucca Fritti
Green olives in brine, stuffed inside with a tender mixture of mixed meat to which nutmeg, egg yolks and grated Parmigiano Reggiano are added. The olives, after being filled, are first dipped in the flour, then in the beaten egg and finally in the breadcrumbs. Then fried. Olive all'ascolana
Cheese (or chocolate, in the sweet version) melted in a terracotta pot. It is eaten by dipping bread (or other) with a special elongated fork. Fonduta - Fondue
It is oven-baked durum wheat bread, cut in half horizontally and toasted again in the oven. To eat it, it is soaked in cold water and seasoned with fresh tomatoes, oregano, salt and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. As a variant you can rub a clove of garlic on the frisa before wetting it, you can add some chilli pepper, some cucumber. Friselle
Eggs beaten and seasoned with various ingredients (including leftover pasta), and then cooked in oil. Frittate
A tagliere misto is simply a board filled with regional meats and/or cheeses and/or various finger foods. Taglieri
Mozzarella is a fresh stretched curd cheese. It can be made from cow's, buffalo, sheep, or goat's milk. Mozzarella
Stracchino is a spreadable soft and raw cheese with a short maturation period, produced with whole cow's milk Stracchino - Crescenza
Scamorza is a stretched curd cheese made from cow's milk, usually eaten in a smoked version. Scamorza
Caciocavallo is a seasoned stretched curd cheese. Produced with cow's milk with the addition of only rennet, lactic ferments and salt. Caciocavallo
Caciotta is a common cheese with a short maturation and a simple and light flavour. Caciotta - Cacio
Gruyere is a whole cow's cheese, with a cooked pressed paste, produced with raw milk. Sometimes it comes with characteristic air holes inside. Groviera - Gruviera
Ricotta is a dairy product that is obtained from whey. It is a soft, spreadable cheese with a delicate taste. Ricotta
Gorgonzola is a spreadable blue cheese, very fragrant, raw paste, pasteurized milk, fat, straw-white in color, whose bluish spots are due to the formation of molds due to the addition of penicillium spores to the milk. Gorgonzola
Taleggio is an Italian raw, soft cow's milk cheese. Taleggio
Parmesan (like Grana) is produced with raw cow's milk, partially skimmed by surfacing, without the addition of additives. The cheese can be eaten in flakes or grated. On the market it is found in different variants, characterized by maturation of 12, 24 and 30 months. Parmigiano - Grana
Pecorino is a cheese made from sheep's milk, usually with an intense aroma and flavour. It is often grated over other dishes, but is also eaten in flakes. Pecorino
Casu Marzu is a pecorino cheese with a very strong smell and taste. The cheese is colonized by the larvae of a particular fly which lays its eggs on the pecorino wheel, where larvae are born which feed on the cheese itself and develop inside it. Casu Marzu
Prosciutto Crudo is a typical Italian cured salami obtained by dry salting from the pork leg. It is eaten by cutting it into thin slices and usually accompanied by bread or pizza. Prosciutto Crudo
It is a typical Italian cured meat obtained by salting and cooking the pork leg. Usually eaten cut into thin slices and accompanied by bread or pizza, otherwise cut into cubes as a condiment for pasta. Prosciutto Cotto
Pork cooked and finely minced, mixed with cubes of pork fat. It is traditionally flavored with black peppercorns, some versions may also contain pistachios or more rarely myrtle berries. Generally cut into thin slices and served with bread or pizza, or diced to season pasta. Mortadella
Turkey breasts deboned and trimmed. This material is softened and seasoned with a mix of salt and spices and baked. Usually served cut into thin slices and accompanied by bread or pizza. Fesa di Tacchino
It is an Italian cured meat, made of salted and dried beef. It is a raw, unsmoked cured meat, usually served cut into thin slices and accompanied with bread or pizza. Bresaola
It is a type of sausage, raw and seasoned, obtained from a mixture of minced pork and fat. Salt and spices which vary locally (including: garlic, pepper, fennel) are added to the meat and fat. It is usually served cut into thin slices and accompanied with bread or pizza. Salame
The meat, which can be beef, sheep, goat, pork or game, is flavored with garlic, bay leaf, rosemary, sage and other mountain herbs, then salted and covered in the liquid from the meat itself. Then it is left to mature. Usually served cut into thin slices and accompanied by bread or pizza. Mocetta
The pork, an upper portion of the neck and a part of the shoulder, is salted and rubbed, then stuffed into natural casings and aged for several months. During the processing, spices and aromatic herbs are added, typical of the different places where the cured meat is produced. Usually served cut into thin slices and accompanied by bread or pizza. Capocollo - Coppa
Spreadable pork sausage. Pork meat mixture deriving from shoulder, bacon, ham, loin, lard and other minor cuts with the addition of aromas such as white wine, garlic and pepper. The meat is minced several times, kneaded and stuffed into natural casings with binding at the ends. It is then aged for at least 15 days. Usually accompanied by bread or pizza. Ciauscolo - Ciavuscolo
Pork sausage, spreadable and with a particularly spicy taste. Composed of scraps of pork meat: spleen, stomach, intestines, lungs, esophagus, heart, trachea, soft parts of the back of the mouth and pharynx, fleshy portions of the head, fur muscles, lymph nodes, fat from various regions. An abundant dose of chilli is added, which with its antiseptic properties means that the 'nduja does not need preservatives. Usually accompanied with bread, pizza or used as a condiment for sauces. Nduja
The pork fat is cut into small pieces and cooked over a low heat to melt the fat and allow the water contained to evaporate. Finally they are flavored with the addition of flavourings, which can be cloves, cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg or other. Sometimes they are salted. The poured part is the lard, the solid residual part is the Ciccioli. Ciccioli
It is a type of sausage eaten cooked. It is prepared by filling the casing with a mixture made of rind, pork, minced cartilage, bacon, the mixture is then seasoned with salt and spices. Cotechino
It is a salami produced from the pork leg stuffed into the bladder of the pig itself. The meat is removed from the skin, defatted, deboned, salted and aged for at least 10 months. It is usually served cut into thin slices and accompanied by bread or pizza. Culatello
It is a sausage prepared with minced pork, flavored with fennel seeds and soaked in red wine. It is then left to age. Usually served cut into thin slices and accompanied by bread or pizza. Finocchiona
Usually a mixed dish made up of various samples including sausages, cured meats, toasted bread, pieces of pizza, shellfish and fish. Terra e mare
It is produced with pork lard, aged in Carrara marble basins in which pieces of pork lard and herbs such as: pepper, cinnamon, cloves, cumin, coriander, nutmeg, cardamom, sage and rosemary. Lardo
It is a type of cured meat obtained from pork leg subjected to a cold smoking process. Generally served cut into thin slices and accompanied by bread or pizza. Speck
A dish of cooked pork with a crispy crust. Its savory flesh is white to pink in color and enriched by the flavor of rosemary, black pepper and garlic. Porchetta
It is a particular type of cured meat. The meat used is freshly butchered pure pork, with a selection of noble cuts of hams, shoulders and trimmings of bacon and tender lard. The meat is then seasoned with salt, whole peppercorns, dried pepper powder. Subsequently, it is stuffed into a casing, and is tied with string to compact the contents. The soppressata is then left to dry for 3 to 12 weeks. Soppressata

   Traditional Main Courses:

Ingredients in Italian
Bread of various production, stuffed with ingredients of your choice. Panini
Pizza is a dough made from flour, water and yeast, which is flattened and filled in various ways. The most famous pizzas are the Margherita (tomato, mozzarella and basil), the Marinara (tomato, garlic and oregano), the Boscaiola (mozzarella, mushrooms, sliced sausage), the Capricciosa (tomato, mozzarella, mushrooms, artichokes, ham, black olives), the Diavola (tomato, mozzarella, spicy salami, chilli pepper, black olives), the Napoletana (tomato, salted anchovies, oregano, capers, oil), and the Quattro Formaggi (mozzarella, gorgonzola, fontina, parmesan, basil) . Pizza
Calzone is a pizza closed on itself and filled with various ingredients of your choice. Calzone
It is a wrapper of pizza dough, worked and made similar to a crescent, stuffed inside with mozzarella and tomato or with ricotta and bacon and then fried or baked. Panzerotti
Similar to pizza, but thicker and softer. It is made up of a mixture of flour, water, salt and yeast. The most famous are Focaccia alla Genovese (olive oil and salt), Focaccia alle Cipolle (oil, salt and onions), Focaccia con il Rosmarino (oil, salt and rosemary), Focaccia alle Olive (oil, salt and olives) and the focaccia with mozzarella and tomato. Focaccia
Similar to a cheese covered pizza. Flour, extra virgin olive oil, and selected cheese, which is placed on top of the pasta before being placed in the oven. Focaccia di Recco
Large dumplings made of a variable composition dough based on stale bread. The dough is generally composed of cubes of stale bread, milk and eggs usually flavored with the addition of bacon (or speck) or cheese, spinach or liver, with parsley and flour. Canederli
Cannelloni are a cylindrical shape of pasta. The pasta is stuffed with a savory filling which in the classic recipe includes a mixture of ricotta and spinach or minced meat. It is then covered with a tomato sauce and bechamel sauce, and finally cooked in the oven. Cannelloni
It is a fish soup made up of different types of fish, crustaceans and molluscs, generally octopuses, cuttlefish, cicadas, scorpion fish and other varieties of fish, cooked in tomato sauce and then placed on slices of toasted bread and garlic placed on the bottom of the plate. Cacciucco
Balls of semolina dough rounded in a large earthenware bowl and toasted in the oven. A typical preparation of the fregula is with the sauce of clams (clams). Fregola alle Arselle - Fregula
Balls of pasta produced with a mixture of boiled potatoes, egg and flour. The most famous condiments are the Gnocchi al Ragù Napoletano (beef meat cooked in a tomato sauce over a very low heat), Gnocchi with butter and sage, Gnocchi with butter and Parmesan, Gnocchi with Genoese Pesto (Basil pounded with salt, pine nuts and garlic, with the addition of Parmesan). Gnocchi di Patate
Sheet of egg pasta cut into rectangular sheets, which, once boiled and drained, are arranged in a sequence of layers, separated by a filling of, usually, Bolognese sauce, béchamel, butter and Parmesan. Everything is then cooked in the oven. Lasagne
A soup prepared with chickpeas, cod, chestnuts, artichokes, potatoes, tomatoes, pasta and cabbage. The other basic ingredients of the soup are olive oil, garlic, onion, carrot and celery. Minestra di ceci
It is a traditional peasant dish based on spelt, beans and vegetables. Minestra di farro
It's a plate of stale bread, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, celery, carrots, onions, and cabbage. Minestra di pane - Ribollita
Stale homemade Tuscan bread (unsalted), tomatoes, vegetable broth, garlic cloves, basil, Tuscan extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. Pappa al Pomodoro
They are a filled pasta, similar to ravioli, but without meat. They are prepared with fresh pasta, a mixture of vegetables, usually served with a walnut sauce. Pansoti - Pansotti
I am a type of long egg noodles. Composed of soft wheat flour and fresh eggs. Usually served with Ragú alla Bolognese (minced beef sautéed in butter, bacon, herbs, broth, wine, Parmesan and tomato), Tagliatelle with wild mushrooms, truffles and wild boar ragù, Tagliatelle with truffles, Tagliatelle with duck, Tagliatelle with beans. Fettuccine - Tagliatelle
They are a type of long egg pasta, wider than Tagliatelle. Composed of soft wheat flour and fresh eggs. Usually seasoned with meat sauces of various kinds. Pappardelle
Fusilli are a type of curly pasta. Usually served with zucchini and bacon, or tomato and mozzarella, or cream, ham and peas, or ricotta and walnuts. Fusilli
Linguine is a type of long pasta made from durum wheat semolina. Usually accompanied by fish-based sauces and condiments or Genoese pesto Linguine - Trenette
Maltagliati are a type of egg pasta, cut irregularly so as to obtain pieces of uneven size. The most classic use of maltagliati is with bean soup, but there are many other recipes. Maltagliati
Tagliolini are a variety of long egg pasta, similar to spaghetti. Usually served with light sauces, with fish, delicate condiments or plain. Tagliolini
Orecchiette are a type of pasta whose shape is approximately that of small ears. Famous are the Orecchiette alle Cime di Rapa (typical sautéed vegetables), or with tomato, or with crumbled bran pepper, or with ricotta, or with tomato, minced lamb, mozzarella and pecorino. Orecchiette
Paccheri are a type of pasta from Campania, with the shape of giant macaroni, generally made with durum wheat semolina. Usually accompanied by savory condiments. Paccheri
Pasta al Forno is a typical dish of Italian cuisine, made of pasta, usually short pasta, covered with sauce and cheese and cooked in the oven. Pasta al forno
Pizzoccheri della Valtellina are a variety of pasta prepared with buckwheat flour mixed with other flours. Similar to tagliatelle, but grayish in colour. Usually seasoned with shredded potatoes, cabbage or chard, cheese, butter, garlic and sage. Pizzoccheri
Polenta is an ancient food made from cornmeal. Here are the most famous recipes: Polenta alla carbonara (polenta, pork, bacon and grated cheese), Polenta Taragna (it is prepared with a mixture of flours containing buckwheat flour, which gives it its typical dark colour, the cheese is incorporated during cooking), Polenta e osèi (with small birds), Polenta con Cünì / Cönécc (rabbit and other cooked meats such as braised or roasted meats), Polenta Concia (melted mountain pasture cheese is added to the cornmeal, prepared by melting, at the end of cooking, cubes of fontina cheese, toma cheese, milk and butter), Pulenta Uncia (the polenta is mixed with a saute of plenty of butter, garlic and sage with typical cheese), Tóch (polenta made from cornmeal , water, butter and fresh local cheeses), Polenta e Bruscitti (polenta and minced meat), Polenta Fritta (rectangles of fried polenta), Polenta and sausage, Polenta and Mushrooms. Polenta
Rigatoni are a type of tubular pasta, rather thick in diameter and slightly curved. They are usually found accompanied by: Rigatoni alla Gricia (pork cheek and pecorino cheese), Rigatoni alla Carbonara (Roman pecorino sauce, pork cheek, egg yolks and black pepper), Rigatoni alla Amatriciana (fried pork cheek sauce and blended with dry white wine, tomato, pecorino cheese, extra virgin olive oil, chilli pepper, salt and pepper), Rigatoni alla Pajata (the intestine of a calf fed only on mother's milk, cooked in tomato sauce). Rigatoni
Ravioli are a family of typical products of Italian cuisine, consisting of squares of egg pasta stuffed with meat, fish, vegetables or cheese, depending on the various local types. They can be served in broth or dry accompanied by gravies or sauces. Ravioli
Risotto is a typical rice-based dish, first toasted in oil or butter, then cooked in its starch and constantly adding broth until cooked. The most famous risottos: Risotto alla Milanese (with saffron and ox marrow), Risotto with Porcini mushrooms, Risotto with Cuttlefish Ink, Risotto alla Pescatora (risotto with crustaceans and molluscs), Risotto al Barolo (Barolo, butter, broth, cheese and pepper), Truffle Risotto, Asparagus Risotto and Gorgonzola Risotto. Risotto
A type of cylindrical pasta cut at the ends with parallel oblique cuts. Usually seasoned with sauces or gravies. The Penne all'Arrabbiata (tomatoes, garlic, abundant chilli pepper, parsley, salt, extra virgin olive oil, Parmesan), Penne alla Vodka (cream and tomato based sauce blended with vodka), Penne with Cream and Salmon are famous. Penne
Spaghetti is a pasta format produced exclusively with durum wheat semolina and water, with a long and thin shape and a round section. They are prepared according to traditional recipes, often with tomato sauce and sprinkled with a cheese. The most famous spaghetti are: Spaghetti Aglio e Olio (garlic, oil, chilli pepper, parsley and anchovies), Spaghetti alle Vongole (clams, white wine, parsley and garlic), Spaghetti alla Carbonara (pork cheek, egg, cheese and pepper) , Spaghetti alla Amatriciana (pork cheek, tomato, cheese), Spaghetti alla Puttanesca (tomato, olive oil, garlic, olives, capers and oregano), Spaghetti allo Scoglio (mussels, clams and shellfish with garlic and white wine), Spaghetti al Pomodoro and Spaghetti Cacio e Pepe (with melted cheese and pepper). Spaghetti
Bucatini is a type of long pasta, similar to large perforated spaghetti. The most famous recipes are: Bucatini Cacio e Pepe (melted cheese and pepper), Bucatini all' Amatriciana (tomato, pork cheek, cheese), Bucatini alla Carbonara (pork cheek, cheese, egg yolks and pepper). Bucatini
Strozzapreti are a type of fresh pasta made from water and flour. Usually accompanied by sauces. Strozzapreti
Tortellini are egg pasta filled with a preparation with pork loin, raw ham, mortadella, Parmesan, eggs and nutmeg. They are usually eaten in a meat broth, or rarely sautéed in gravy. Tortellini
Trofie are a type of pasta made from flour and potatoes, with an elongated and thin shape, usually served in a Genoese pesto sauce (basil, salt, pine nuts, parmesan and garlic). Trofie
Abbacchio is a young, suckling lamb. The most famous recipes are: Abbacchio alla cacciatora (baked lamb browned in lard and then cooked with garlic, sage and rosemary. Finally washed down with anchovy sauce in salt, crushed and cooked in the meat cooking sauce), Abbacchio alla Romana (whole browned lamb in garlic, oil and chopped ham, with rosemary, vinegar, salt and pepper), Costolette di Abbacchio a Scottadito (chops greased with lard, salted and peppered and cooked on the grill). Abbacchio
The lamb is the specimen of the sheep less than one year of age. Usually cooked in the oven with potatoes, or stewed (with meat and vegetable broth). Agnello
The duck is a common bird. It is usually cooked roasted, accompanied by potatoes. A famous recipe is Anatra all'Arancia (Duck cooked in butter, orange and Grand Marnier), or Ragù di Anatra (Duck cooked in sauce, herbs and vegetables over low heat, for a long time). Anatra
Eel is a genus of snake-like fish. You can cook them by roasting them, frying them, simmered in wine or marinated. Anguilla
Lobster is a large crustacean. It is usually cooked still alive by throwing it in boiling water. A famous recipe is the Aragosta alla Catalana (the lobster is first boiled, then de-fleshed and combined with tomatoes, onions, lemon, oil, salt and pepper). Aragosta
Arrosticini are skewers of mutton cut into small pieces and cooked on the grill. During cooking, the meat is salted and possibly further flavored with a branch of rosemary sprinkled with extra virgin olive oil or chilli pepper oil. Arrosticini
Cod, prepared for conservation through a process of salting and subsequent seasoning. The Baccalà Mantecato (creamy cod with oil, garlic, lemon, bay leaf, salt and pepper) or the Baccalà alla Lucana (with bran peppers, oil and parsley) are famous. Baccalà
Bianchetti is the commercial name given to blue fish puppies. They are eaten fried or blanched in salted water and served hot dressed with oil and lemon. Bianchetti - Gianchetti - Cicinielli
The term brasciole indicates horsemeat rolls in sauce, then browned with oil and onion, together with other pieces of horsemeat, then, once golden browned, sprinkled with red wine, which is nuanced and cooked for at least four hours in a traditional tomato sauce, to which nerves are often added to flavor the sauce. Brasciole
Braciola – slice of lean meat, beef, veal, pork Braciole
Braised meat (or more rarely fish) is cooked slowly in a little cooking liquid, often made up of wine or broth flavored with spices. Brasato
Fried squid Calamari Fritti
Carpaccio is a cold dish made with slices of raw meat, or raw fish, served with a mayonnaise-based sauce. Carpaccio
The Coda alla Vaccinara is a typical dish of Roman cuisine, consisting of stewed ox tail, seasoned with various vegetables, with the addition of tomato sauce. It is also used to season pasta, the famous Rigatoni alla Vaccinara. Coda alla Vaccinara
The rabbit is an animal commonly eaten in Italy. The recipes are famous: Coniglio alla Cacciatora (Rabbit browned in wine, bay leaves, broth, onions, rosemary, tomatoes, pepper and garlic), Coniglio all'Ischitana (Rabbit cooked with garlic, olive oil, salt, chilli pepper, white wine, tomatoes and island spices), Coniglio alla Sanremese (cooked rabbit with onion, thyme, rosemary, celery, walnut, red wine and olives. Separately, the liver and head are cooked and pounded to extract the sauce), Conigio Veneto (cooked rabbit in an earthenware saucepan for two hours after leaving it to marinate overnight with chopped vegetables, bay leaf and red wine). Coniglio
Schnitzel refers to: A cutlet of veal, pork, lamb, or a small portion of veal, mutton, lamb. The Cotoletta alla Milanese is famous (a slice of veal loin on the bone, breaded and fried in butter served with lemon slices). Cotoletta
Coratella is the term used to indicate parts of the entrails of small animals such as lamb, rabbit or poultry. It can be cooked in a pan or fried. Coratella
The rib eye is a type of steak, usually cooked on the grill, whose meat comes from the cut of the ribs of the beef. Costata
Filetto is a dish consisting of a fillet of meat or fish. It is usually the most valuable part of the animal. Filetto
The liver is commonly eaten in Italy. The most famous recipes: Fegatelli (pieces of pork liver wrapped in netting. With bay leaves and wild fennel seeds. Cooked in earthenware pots), Fegato alla Berlinese (liver slices dipped in flour, sautéed in butter and with onion rings and apples), Fegato alla Veneziana (veal or pork liver accompanied by white or yellow corn polenta). Fegato
Grilling is a roasting method in which the food (meat, fish or vegetables) is placed on a grill. Grigliata
Involtini consist of food wrapped in a slice of meat or fish, or in a large leaf of a vegetable or placed inside pasta and then cooked. Famous examples: Saltimbocca (veal, coated with raw ham, sage, butter and flour, marinated in white wine and oil), Bombette (rolls of fresh pork stuffed and cooked on the grill). Involtini
Lampredotto is a dish based on beef stomach, cooked for a long time in water with tomato, onion, parsley and celery. Lampredotto
Stuffed aubergines are a typical dish, they are prepared by filling the aubergines with the pulp of the aubergines themselves, eggs, bread soaked in water, grated goat cheese, chilli pepper, parsley and/or basil, garlic, olive oil, salt. Melanzane Ripiene
The peppers are stuffed with various types of fillings including: breadcrumbs, minced meat, cheese, olives, capers, salted anchovies, rice. They are seasoned with oil and then baked. Peperoni Ripieni
Tomatoes emptied and stuffed with breadcrumbs, oil, eggs, herbs and garlic. Sometimes they are stuffed with seasoned rice. Pomodori Ripieni
Ossobuco is a cut of beef. The part to be cooked comes from the tibia of the suckling calf, containing the bone showing the hole containing the marrow. Cooked with very finely chopped lemon, garlic and parsley. Ossobuco
Dish based on fried aubergines au gratin in the oven with tomato puree, basil, garlic and cheese. Parmigiana di Melanzane
Sheep is an animal commonly eaten in various areas of Italy. The Arrosticini are famous (see the dedicated section), the Boiled Sheep, or the Callara Pecora (meat cut into stews, cooked in water and wine, spices, tomatoes). Pecora
Swordfish is a commonly eaten fish. It is usually grilled. Pesce spada
There are a number of recipes for cooking chicken. For example: Pollo al Limone or Polla all'Arancia (sautéed chicken covered in flour, with lemon or orange juice at the end of cooking), Pollo alla Cacciatora (chicken cooked in wine, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, garlic, peppers, oregano, thyme, rosemary), Pollo Arrosto (Roast Chicken). Pollo
The meatball is a dish based on meat, vegetables or fish, spices and herbs mixed in egg yolks, flour and breadcrumbs. Meatballs are usually served in tomato sauce, or fried. Polpette
Meatloaf is a dish usually based on minced meat, spices, herbs, egg, breadcrumbs and flour. Polpettone
Octopus is commonly eaten. Usually boiled or grilled. The most common recipes are: Insalatata di Polpo (salad with various vegetables, seafood and boiled octopus), Polpo alla Luciana (octopus cooked together with tomato, garlic, olives, capers, pepper and chopped parsley. Polpo
It's a meat sausage. The sausage is produced by filling a natural pig casing with a mixture of lean and fat parts cut into cubes and mixed with salt. Wine and other spices are added to the mixture, such as pepper, chilli pepper, coriander, fennel, nutmeg, even sugar. They can be cooked on the grill, in gravy or sautéed with other ingredients. Sausage sandwiches are common. Salsiccia
Scaloppina are thin slices of meat, usually beef or even chicken, floured, sautéed in a pan and, after transforming the cooking liquid into a sauce with the addition of lemon, white wine, Marsala or other ingredients, put back in the pan to flavor. Scaloppina
The spit is a very common food cooking technique, usually meat or particular vegetables are roasted. Kebabs are typically cooked on sticks placed over coals, then eaten using the stick itself. Spiedini
The Spezzatino is made from veal, beef, lamb, or pork that are stewed for a long time after being browned with butter, oil, onions and accompanied by sauces, vegetables and herbs. Spezzatino
The Soufflé consists of two basic components: a flavored cream (usually butter, flour and milk) and beaten egg white. The base can be completed with various ingredients such as cheese, vegetables or other. Soufflé
Pork shank is a dish made from the hock of the pig, usually cooked in the oven, grilled or boiled. The dish requires a rather long cooking, and according to some recipes a marinating before cooking. Stinco di Maiale
Stew is a meat dish. It is prepared using beef, donkey or horse meat. Stewing lasts 8-10 hours and makes the meat soft and juicy. Stufato
Beef steak is a beef dish. The veal sirloin cooked on the grill and then cut into pieces is used. An emulsion of extra virgin olive oil, lemon salt and a few drops of Worcestershire sauce is poured over the meat Tagliata
The tartare is a preparation of finely minced raw meat or fish to which condiments or sauces can be added, such as onion, capers, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, egg yolk. Tartare - Tartara
Tuna is a commonly eaten fish. The most famous recipes are: Tonno alla Griglia (grilled tuna), Tonno alla Carlofortina (tuna, tomato, white wine, bay leaf and garlic), Tonno in Crosta ai Pistacchi (seared tuna with pistachios), Pasta with Tuna and Tomatoes (seasoned pasta with tuna sautéed in tomatoes), Polpettone di Tonno (minced tuna with capers, potatoes, lemon, parsley, oil and salt, served with sauce). Tonno
Tripe is an offal used in gastronomy and obtained from different parts of the stomach of the bovine. The most famous recipes are: Trippa alla romana (with tomato sauce, Roman mint and pecorino cheese), Trippa alla Genovese (stewed with beans or potatoes, raw in salads, oil, salt, pepper and lemon, with sauce and pine nuts), Trippa alla Piacentina (stewed with tomato sauce and beans), Florentine tripe (sautéed and accompanied by tomato and parmesan sauce), Lampredotto (see the dedicated section), Busecca (tripe with beans, tomato puree, carrots and celery). Trippa
The egg is cooked in various ways. Uova Sode (hard-boiled), Uova Strapazzate (Scrambled Eggs), Frittata (Omelette), Uova all'Occhio di Bue (cooked eggs without being beaten), Uovo in Camicia (Poached Egg), Uova Bazzotto ( undercooked boiled egg) Uova
It is prepared with veal marinated in dry white wine and herbs (carrot, celery, onion, bay leaf) for at least half a day, then boiled in water. The dish is served cold, by cutting the veal into thin slices and covering it with a sauce based on tuna in oil. The sauce is prepared by blending the yolk of hard-boiled eggs with capers, sometimes salted anchovies, extra virgin olive oil, white wine, a few drops of lemon juice, salt and pepper. Vitello Tonnato

   Traditional Desserts:

Ingredients in Italian
Affogato al Caffé is a scoop of vanilla ice cream soaked in espresso coffee. The dessert can also be flavored with liqueur such as Amaretto. Affogato al caffé
Amaretto is a type of pastry made from almond paste, made with sugar, egg white, sweet and bitter almonds and apricot kernels. Amaretti
Babà is a leavened baked cake with brewer's yeast. After cooking, it is left to dry for at least a day. Subsequently it is immersed in large containers filled with hot liquid of your choice: sugar syrup, rum, or other liqueurs such as limoncello. Babà
Cookies are usually based on flour, egg, butter, sugar and possibly yeast and various flavourings. Biscotto
Bocconotti are shortcrust pastry sweets with lard filled with chocolate filling (or cream, or jam) and almonds. Bocconotto
The bombolone is a leavened and fried cake of soft dough covered with sugar, in the shape of a slightly flattened sphere. Bombolone
They are dry biscuits obtained from a mixture of hazelnuts and/or almonds, sugar, egg white and vanilla. Brutti ma Buoni - Brutti e Buoni
The pudding is composed of a liquid part, such as milk, sugar and various ingredients: fruit, chocolate, hazelnuts, caramel, liqueurs, vanilla and others. These are often combined with ingredients that serve to bind the compound, that is, to make it gelatinous. Budino
Wafer biscuits, thin and very crumbly. Canestrelli
Cannolo is made of rolled puff pastry and filled with cream, or zabaglione, or chocolate, or other. Cannolo
Cantucci are dry almond biscuits, obtained by cutting the loaf of still warm dough into slices. The dough is made of flour, sugar, eggs, almonds, butter: the sugar can be replaced with honey and the butter with olive oil. The almonds are neither toasted nor peeled. Cantucci
The Sicilian Cassata is a traditional cake made with sweetened ricotta, sponge cake, marzipan and candied fruit. There may be additional ingredients, such as pistachio, pine nuts, chocolate, cinnamon, liqueur, or orange blossom water. Cassata Siciliana
Castagnaccio is a cake made with chestnut flour, water, extra virgin olive oil, pine nuts and raisins. Castagnaccio
Castagnole are a sweet made from eggs, sugar, flour and butter: after mixing them, they are formed into balls the size of a walnut which are then fried in hot oil. They are served with icing sugar or, in some variants, with alchermes or honey. Castagnole - Favette
The basis of Chiacchiere is a mixture of flour, butter or lard, sugar, eggs and an alcoholic component. Subsequently the dough is cut into strips, sometimes manipulated to form a knot, then it is fried and dusted with icing sugar. Chiacchiere - Frappe
The Ciambella (Donuts), in its most common variant, is a sweet prepared with a mixture of flour, eggs, butter and yeast, then fried and covered with sugar or ingredients such as chocolate, creams and more. Ciambelle fritte
Ciambelle al Vino are small round sweets made from flour, sugar, oil, white wine and sugar. They are usually eaten by dipping them in wine. Ciambellette al Vino
The Ciambellone is a very simple and widespread dessert. It consists of a cake with a hole in the center and composed of a dough based on eggs, milk, sugar, lard or butter and yeast. All cooked in the oven, and can be flavored with liqueur, cocoa, candied fruit or dried fruit to taste. Ciambellone
The Colomba Pasquale is a typical dessert that is eaten close to Easter times. It is a compound made from flour, butter, eggs, sugar and candied orange peel, with an almond glaze, cooked in the oven. Scented, thick, and soft. Colomba Pasquale
The Confetto is a sweet made up of an almond covered in sugar, sometimes filled with chocolate, or almonds, or other ingredients. It is a typical sweet of weddings. Confetti
The Cornetto is a crescent-shaped dessert; its composition is based on: flour, butter, eggs, water and sugar, with the addition of egg yolk spread on the surface to obtain a more golden colour. It can be stuffed with various ingredients and can also be found in a savory version. Cornetto - Brioche - Croissant
Crema di Marroni is a sweet spreadable preserve obtained from a long processing of chestnuts. The chestnut puree reduced to a pulp is used, it is often flavored with vanilla and may also contain some traces of liqueur. Other ingredients that can be used are honey, edible oils and fats, liquid pectin, wine, fortified wine, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, vanillin, aromatic herbs. Crema di Marroni - Crema di Castagne
(Like Nutella) The main ingredients, necessary to give the characteristic flavor to Gianduia cream, are cocoa and hazelnut paste; but the historic recipe also calls for the addition of milk. Crema Gianduia
Cremino is a type of cube-shaped chocolate made up of two layers of gianduja chocolate interspersed with a chocolate paste containing hazelnuts, coffee or lemon. Cremino
Crostata is a typical Italian dessert, composed of a base of shortcrust pastry covered with jam, or cream, or chocolate, or fresh fruit, with the addition of thin strips of intertwined shortcrust pastry. Crostata
The Diplomatic Cake consists of layers of puff pastry and a layer of sponge cake, soaked in water and rum, and filled with custard and chantilly cream. Diplomatico
The sweet Mattone is prepared by whipping the butter with the eggs and sugar. The coffee is then poured into the blend. After soaking dry biscuits in a liqueur, they are arranged in layers on a tray, alternating them with layers of cream. The dessert can be flavored with chocolate or cocoa powder, mascarpone, whipped cream and/or decorative coffee beans as desired. Mattone
The Granita is semi-frozen prepared with ice, sugar and a fruit juice or other ingredient (in addition to fruit, almonds, pistachios and coffee are more common). It can be considered one of the progenitors of ice cream Granita - Sorbetto - Grattachecca
Gelato (Traditional Ice Cream) is a food preparation based on milk, sugar (often also eggs) and various flavourings, brought to a solid and pasty state by freezing and stirring. It is served in a multitude of flavours. Gelato
Lingue di Gatto are biscuits with a narrow and elongated shape reminiscent of a cat's tongue. Lingue di Gatto
Maritozzo is a Roman dessert consisting of a small loaf of bread mixed with flour, eggs, honey, butter and salt which, cut in two, is traditionally filled with plenty of whipped cream and possibly enriched with pine nuts, grapes and candied orange peel Maritozzo
The Marron Glacé are a particular confectionery process of the chestnut, which is syruped and then covered with a sugar glaze. Marron Glacè
Meringue is a sweet preparation made from egg whites and icing sugar. Meringa
Mont Blanc is a dessert made with chestnut puree, whipped cream and cocoa powder, whose shape resembles that of a snow-covered mountain. Monte Bianco
Mostaccioli are desserts characterized by a soft honey-flavored dough, covered with a chocolate glaze. You can also find the format filled with walnuts, almonds, raisins and dried figs. Mustaccioli - Mostaccioli
Panettone is a traditional Christmas cake. It typically has a cylindrical base and is obtained from a leavened dough based on water, flour, butter, egg (yolk), to which candied fruit, orange and citron peel in equal parts, and raisins are added. Panettone
Pandoro is a traditional Christmas dessert. The paste is soft and golden in color, due to the presence of the eggs, and smells of vanilla. The shape is star-shaped, usually with eight points. Among the main ingredients are flour, sugar, eggs, butter, cocoa butter and yeast. Pandoro
Pampepato is a type of dessert. The ingredients and shape vary according to the production area, but usually include almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, candied orange and citron, raisins, all mixed with or without cocoa, chocolate, coffee, liqueur , honey, flour, cooked grape must. The cake is then baked in the oven. Panpepato - Pampepato
Panforte is a traditional sweet made from orange, citron and melon peel, almonds and spices. Panforte
Panna Cotta is a type of pudding obtained by combining cream and sugar, flavoring them with the seeds of a vanilla bean and adding isinglass to harden everything once placed in the refrigerator. Pannacotta
Pardula are small tarts filled with ricotta or cheese. Pardulas
The Almond Paste is obtained by working the almond in the traditional way with honey, until obtaining a pure almond paste, which can also be flavored with lemon or orange as well as being covered with icing sugar. Pasta di Mandorle
Pasticciotto is a typical dessert made up of shortcrust pastry filled with custard (or other ingredients) and baked in the oven. Pasticciotto
Pastiera Napoletana is a shortcrust pastry cake filled with a mixture of ricotta cheese, sugar, eggs and wheat boiled in milk, covered with strips of the same shortcrust pastry intertwined in a cross. Cinnamon, orange peel, vanilla and orange blossom water are then added. The dough is crunchy while the filling is soft. Pastiera Napoletana
The Pinza Bolognese is a typical dessert made up of a roll of hard dough that holds Bolognese mustard inside. Pinza Bolognese
The Profiterole is a type of dessert obtained with a cream puff filled with custard, Chantilly cream, cream or ice cream and covered with a chocolate or caramel cream. Profiterole
Salame al Cioccolato is a sweet made with chocolate and biscuits that resembles a salami in shape. Salame al Cioccolato
Sbrisolona is a cornmeal, lard and hazelnut cake. Sbrisolona
Seada is a typical dish of the Sardinian tradition based on a mixture of semolina, animal lard, fresh cheese, which is fried and then honey (or sugar) is poured over it and possibly grated lemon zest. Seada
Semifreddo is a typical spoon dessert served very cold, traditionally made by mixing Italian meringue, semi-whipped cream, and a flavor of your choice. Semifreddo
The Sfogliatella (curly or shortcrust pastry) is a typical sweet of Campania, composed of a dough of flour cooked in the oven and usually filled with whipped cream, or chocolate cream, or Chantilly cream, or jam. Sfogliatelle
Spuma di Mandorla is a dessert similar to a biscuit made with very aromatic and crunchy chopped almonds. Spuma di Mandorla
Strudel is a filled pastry dessert made with apples, pine nuts, raisins and cinnamon. Strudel
Struffoli are a dessert made up of numerous balls of dough (made with flour, eggs, lard, sugar, a pinch of salt and anise liqueur) no more than 1 cm in diameter, fried in oil or lard and wrapped in hot honey. Finally, the composition is decorated with pieces of citron and other candied fruit, pieces of sugar and colored sugared almonds. Struffoli
Tiramisù is a dessert based on ladyfingers (or other biscuits with a crumbly consistency) soaked in coffee and covered with a cream, composed of mascarpone, eggs and sugar, which in some variants is flavored with liqueur. Tiramisù
Nougat is a typical Christmas dessert, made up of egg whites, honey and sugar and almonds which form the common base for all types with the possible addition of walnuts, peanuts, toasted hazelnuts and pistachios, or even chocolate ; it is often covered by two layers of wafer. Torrone
Torta della Nonna is a shortcrust pastry cake filled with custard and covered with pine nuts and icing sugar. Torta della Nonna
Apple pie is a kind of pie (flour, egg, sugar, yeast) whose main filling ingredient is the apple. It can occasionally be served with whipped cream or ice cream. Torta di mele
Zabaglione is a sweet and frothy cream made with eggs (yolk), sugar and wine or fortified wine. Zabaione
Zeppole are a typical Italian dessert that is found in various variations. The most famous is the Zeppola di San Giuseppe, composed of flour, sugar, eggs, butter and olive oil, custard, a sprinkling of icing sugar and sometimes sour cherries in syrup for decoration. Zeppole
Zuppa Inglese is a dessert that is prepared by superimposing layers of sponge cake or ladyfingers, soaked in various liqueurs, alternating with layers of custard. The liqueur usually used is Alchermes, which in addition to the flavor gives the dessert its red colour. The dessert is then kept in the fridge to make it firmer and is usually served cold. Zuppa Inglese

   Traditional Drinks:

Ingredients in Italian
- without alcohol - Analcolici
Water Acqua
Hot tea Te caldo
Cold tea Te freddo
Instant coffee Caffé istantaneo
Espresso Caffé Espresso
Long coffee Caffé Lungo
American coffee Caffé Americano
Coffee with milk Caffelatte
Cappuccino Cappuccino
Shakered Cold Coffee Caffé Freddo Shakerato
Coffee granita Granita di caffé
Fruit juice Succo di frutta
Orange juice Succo d'arancia
Coke Coca Cola
Fanta Fanta
Sprites Sprite
Chinotto Chinotto
Gassosa - Soda with sugar Gassosa
Cedrata Tassoni Cedrata Tassoni
Crodino Crodino
St Bitter San Bitter
lemon soda Lemonsoda
A soda soft drink made from water, sugar, varying amounts of caramel, and various flavors Spuma
- with alcohol - Alcolici
White wine Vino Bianco
Red wine Vino Rosso
Dry Sparkling Wine Prosecco
Beer Birra
Cocktail composed of Prosecco, Aperol, Soda and Orange Spritz
Cocktail composed of Campari, Gin and Martini Rosso Negroni
Sweet wine produced from grapes left to dry after harvesting. Vin Santo
Sweet sparkling wine Spumante Dolce
Sweet sparkling wine Lambrusco
Sweet wine produced from grapes left to dry after harvesting. Moscato - Passito
A very strong liqueur produced from a distillate of grape residues. Grappa
Liqueurs of various kinds usually consumed after meals. Ammazzacaffé - Digestivi
A coffee laced with liqueurs of various kinds. Caffé Corretto
Liqueurs of various genres obtained from herbs. Amaro
Hot liqueur drink made with cream, hot eggnog, brandy and coffee. Bombardino
Aromatic liqueur made from herbs and bitter almonds and other ingredients such as cherries, plums, cocoa, various herbs and sugar. Amaretto
Anise-based liqueur. Sambuca
Coffee-based liqueur. Caffé Borghetti
Artichoke-based liqueur. Cynar
Lemon-based liqueur. Limoncello
Liqueur based on myrtle berries. Mirto
Tangerine-based liqueur. Mandarinetto
Walnut-based liqueur. Nocino
Liqueur based on fruit juices. Ratafià
Egg liqueur. Vov


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